Is the Confederate Flag a Symbol of Hate

Many of the whites who adorn the confederate flag in any capacity will swear that it does not represent hate. According to them, the flag is a symbol used to honor their ancestors for fighting in a cause they believed in.

I often wonder how the Jewish folks would react if they were constantly exposed to a swastika. The reference to the swastika is in no way intended to denigrate or disrespect anyone. If it does, I apologize. The reference is intended to illustrate how a symbol can be used to stir up ill feelings that may be associated with said symbol.

It does no good to attempt to refute their argument, because they are steadfast in their belief. The central question becomes, are they really that adamant or are they just using the ancestor card in an attempt to justify their actions?

The racial hatred in this country is very much alive and well. That applies to whites, blacks and all the other races among us. Just the other day in the state of Kentucky, an interracial couple was asked to not partake in church activities because they didn’t believe in race mixing.

Usually after a brutal fight between two fighters, they normally shake hands (if one is still standing) and acknowledge the winner. This did not happen after the civil war.

One side lost and the other side won. Or, did both sides lose? Many in this country draw boundaries when it comes to territorial matters. Even in this day and age, cries can be heard expressing the view that the south will rise again. On the other side, the so-called winners can be heard disrespecting those from the south by calling them disparaging names.

In my opinion, those that hold on to the confederate flag are actually saying, I am still here and you will never destroy me. They are also saying, I will be a constant reminder to you that you did not destroy me.

Another question must be answered, will this country ever unite and live up to its potential, or will it as others before it die a slow death due to the hatred from within?

Many of those who fly or use the flag fail to realize the atrocities associated with the flag. The flag is a clear representation of slavery. As such, whenever a black person with a little knowledge of history sees it, they automatically think of their ancestors and the many brutal ways they were treated.

Sure slaves were also in the north under the union flag, however the north embarked upon a mission to eradicate slavery. To this very day, the south has never attempted to apologize for slavery. To this very day certain southern states proudly display the confederate flag.

They fail to realize or just don’t care about the suffering of black folks in this country. Many blacks in this country recognize the confederate flag as a symbol displayed by racist in an attempt to show their so-called superiority over them and to keep them in check. Many folks know what happened in this country during slavery and I cannot find anything to be proud of.

Lastly, I ask those who insist that the flag is not a racist symbol if they would honor a relative who had raped and killed others during this time period? If one of their relatives was a mass murderer, would they be willing to put a statue in the town center to honor said relative? Most likely, they would make every attempt to disassociate themselves from said relative and attempt to restore the family’s name?

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