Intellect Beyond Measure. (Part One)

Sitting down to write my “5th” book, I decided to write an article to give my readers a bit of insight to which many do not contemplate. Knowledge beyond your wildest dreams. Knowledge that can only come, not from our species or “mankind” but knowledge from the creator. So far, mankind sells knowledge to those who can afford it, and we value those who graduate from our most prestigious colleges or universities, “but” has it ever been enough to state we are “intelligent?” Are the degrees we earn, enough to compete with that knowledge which knew enough to create all matter?, or do we just shun away from the thought that creation is an organized design from the mind of some “supernatural” being?

Being someone who decades ago was considered highly intelligent, I myself, denied the existence of any “supernatural” being behind my existence or the existence of anything or anyone, PERIOD. That is, until by accident, literally, I found myself at a crossroads to existence. That which I considered REAL to that which I DENIED. The date, year and events have never left my mind, nor has the experience to which I went through. November 19, 1975 forever changed me from who and what I used to be. Despite the fact I listened to an entity to which I now attribute to being the “evil one,” still changed my perception of all that happens to us on the day we “die.”

So what does all this have to do with “knowledge” you may ask. EVERYTHING. I have heard many tell of near death experiences, some of which also told of “death” experiences, yet none have even come close to “my” experiences. For one, of all the persons I have listened to, they explain another “world” existence or bodily experience to an environment I did not see. What I “did” see, is “this” world as though through a clear sheet of plastic or “veil.” This experience, was not my “first,” but my “second” experience. The first one took place when I was 16 years old and don’t say much about that experience because I have always figured people would think me “nuts.” Being at the end of my last years of life, this doesn’t matter much to me anymore, so I have begun to tell of “all” my near death or “death” experiences. All total, about “3” death experiences and several near death events.

So why so many? I have often wondered that myself, but coming from someone who used to use drugs and drink heavily at one time, it’s not surprising. There is one fact I rarely mention to people about these experiences. That fact is the “knowledge” gained from each occurrence. The best explanation I can give, is that with every experience I have ever had, it is as though I go through a time warp into another realm and come back a little smarter than before the event. WHAT, or WHERE this knowledge comes from I have only attributed to THAT which created us, much as Jesus used to say and all that is written that he “would” say about what he was capable of doing. That what he did, was not of “himself” but the “Father” IN him.

The first time, or the age 16 I count as a near death experience. My next experience came in another death experience at the age of 17 in a car accident. At the age of 22 was where I experienced death “itself.” It is this event that changed my level of knowledge, level of what we call “will power” and perception of the world. It gave me the ability to foresee into the future (lasted about five years) and the ability over life’s vices. (Temptations) When I found out that these powers came not from the Lord of heaven but the God of hell, these powers disappeared and my life turned into total chaos. Whether people believe this or not, the devil himself appeared to me “twice” threatening that “he” was God and to remain his servant or “else.”

I took the “or else.” I lost EVERYTHING and EVERYONE to an entity I never believed in until I saw his deceptions later after 1975 and the use of it’s powers upon my life. Even the knowledge it gave became worthless for it wished me to promote not this evil depiction of it, but the depiction that it WAS the one and only GOD OF HEAVEN. Though it may sound ludicrous to many who read this, but it is this entity that personally exposed it’s deceptions to me over the course of 15 years. Deceptions that not even the most devout religious personages are aware of.

Have you ever wondered why there isn’t a church of “Satan” to compete with those of supposed “religious” churches or synagogues? You “don’t” because as the Devil put it to me, “There is no need for any, for those who serve the GOD of heaven, ARE his SERVANTS.” HE “is” a “GOD” and he WAS from heaven, and he IS “our” CREATOR. Why else would we have HIS “nature?” A nature, we don’t even have to EARN, for we are born with “it.” That as he stated, has made him a winner of SOULS for people compare themselves to the nature that condemned him for all eternity.

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