Improv Acting Exercise – Improvisational Group Performance

The ultimate goal of an actor working alongside other actors is to engage in a shared performance. This basically boils down to being able to read each other, interact with one another and use the energy from each actor to create and develop an interesting scene. One of the primary methods of reaching a shared performance is to engage in improvisational group performances.

Improvisational group performances stems from the Stanislavski Method of Physical Actions, as it encourages the psychophysical process of human interaction without being overly rehearsed. While there are several different ways to engage in this type of improvisational exercise, I have cultivated a primary blueprint that you may use with your actors.

Create a Scene

After gather up to five actors, create an improvisational scene for these actors. Do not worry about handing out scripts as this takes away from the emotional energy as the actors will become more concentrated on not missing a line rather than engaging with their fellow performers.

The scene should be one that does not involve a lot of pantomime. Below are several examples:

· Waiting for the bus · Sitting on a train · Sitting in class before the teacher arrives · Waiting in the hospital waiting room · Dodging bullets from a sudden attack · In the library · Working at a retail store · A funeral wake · Sitting in a stuck elevator

Set a Time Limit

This is very important. Do not allow a scene to drag on for too long as this can be detrimental to the actor’s performance. The goal of this exercise is to allow the actors ample time to create a scene, identify its objects, encounter obstacles and perform physical and emotional steps to overcome said obstacles and meet the primary objective.

The ideal time limit is between five and ten minutes.

Analyze the Performance

Throughout the performance, take notes of each actor. Identify his or her strengths within the scene, weaknesses and an overall review of the group performance. Discuss the performance with the actors, ask how they felt? Ask what they would of done differently? Discuss their character choices and why they chose to act in a certain way.

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