How to Beat Depression Naturally

Sometimes medication alone isn’t enough to beat depression. Sometimes the depression isn’t severe so the patient chooses not to take medication. There are some things you can do for yourself to help with symptoms of the blues. Following are ways on how to beat depression naturally.

According to Natural News, chronic depression is not caused by genetics as formerly believed. Rather, toxins, diet and lifestyle factors lead to inflammation in the brain creating a chemical imbalance. Heavy metals can accumulate in fat tissue. Also, viruses and toxins can lead to inflammation. Medications don’t treat the cause of depression, just the symptoms.

So what can you do to beat depression naturally and with little or no medication? First, follow an anti-inflammatory diet. Anti-inflammatory diets are believed to help depression, reduce pain and increase longevity. An anti-inflammatory food pyramid can be found on the website of Dr. Andrew Weil. Anti-inflammatory foods and recipes can be found at

Exercise can help to alleviate symptoms of depression naturally. Not only are natural feel-good chemicals released into the brain when you exercise, but core exercises that promote proper spinal function have also been shown to help with depression.

Get your vitamins daily. Eat foods rich in Vitamin D, Vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, zinc and trace minerals to help with mood stabilization. Natural foods are the best source of vitamins and minerals, but supplements may be taken if recommended by your physician.

Find ways of positive thinking. Thoughts and the way you feel about yourself and others can influence your mood. The way you view your past and see your future can also affect depression levels in the present. Ask your doctor if behavior modification therapy might be right for you if you find you have a lot of negative thoughts throughout the day that affect your mood and increase depression. Discuss these and other methods with your doctor on how to beat depression naturally.


Dr. David Jockers; Beat Depression Naturally; Natural News

Andrew Weil, MD; Anti-inflammatory Diet and Pyramid

Monica Reinagel; The Anti-inflammatory Diet;

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