How to Be Grateful – Creating an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can use to create extraordinary things in your life. If you think, feel and express gratitude daily, you will witness your life change for the better.

Being grateful is easy. But just like anything in life it takes daily practice, patience and a positive state of mind. Consistency towards gratitude will open doors and change your life for the better.

1. Make gratitude a part of your daily life. During the day, practice incorporating gratitude into your daily life. If someone opens the door for you, simply say “thank you.” If a car lets you squeeze in during rush hour, give them a wave or a nod to express your gratitude. It is extremely easy to take for granted another driver’s courteous gesture just because you can. Saying “thank you” is quick and easy to do, yet often neglected.

2. Be thankful for what you have NOW. Instead of complaining about what you are missing in life, focus on what you do have. There are many people who do not recognize daily blessings. They focus on complaining about what they don’t have. Instead, take inventory of your life and identify things for which you can be thankful. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your current job, don’t complain; be grateful that you have a steady income to pay your bills and keep a roof over your head. Instead of complaining about rush hour traffic, give thanks that you have a car in great condition to take you where you need to go.

When you make a daily effort to be grateful for what you have, the universe will give you more to be thankful for. If you continue to complain, well, the universe will deliver more for you to complain about. It’s that simple.

3. Keep a daily gratitude journal. At the end of each day, find a quiet place to sit and write down everything you are grateful for today. Oprah is an immense fan of the gratitude journal and attributes part of her success to it. As you write, reflect on your day, giving thanks for whatever flows into your mind. Don’t force it; just let it flow. You will be surprised how closely gratitude is linked to happiness.

Source: Personal experience

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