Home Remedies for Swollen Ankles

Swollen ankles are usually a relatively benign problem, associated with injury, standing for long periods of time and arthritis. There are a few problems that aren’t benign, such as swelling during pregnancy. These conditions need a doctor’s care. The following information is geared towards the benign reasons.

Injuries: Sprains, strains and tendinitis can all cause swelling in the ankles. You may need a doctor’s diagnosis to know how serious the condition is, but home treatment is often appropriate.

RICE is the key to getting over these problems. The acronym stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. Ice is best for a minimum of the first forty-eight hours after an injury. After that, alternating heat and ice may be acceptable. However, heat can increase swelling under some circumstances, so ask the doctor how long before you can begin alternating between heat and ice.

Tired Feet: Our feet have to carry the weight of our entire body when we stand and walk. At times, we wear ridiculous shoes at the same time, further stressing the joints. By the time we get home, our feet and ankles may be tired, swollen and painful. It’s not really an injury most of the time, but that doesn’t make the swelling and pain go away.

One of the things that often help in this case is a foot soak using Epsom’s salts and hot water. You’ll have to be careful not to add a burn to the mix, but the heat and the salts can make your feet and ankles much happier.

Arthritis: How you handle arthritis in the ankles depends on what you’re planning on doing. Heat often helps deal with the pain and swelling. You can use a hot soak, or you can get commercially prepared products that provide heat. One word of warning on those products: I have seen people develop second degree burns using them. Test on a small area of your skin before applying it to the painful area in order to prevent these burns.

Pregnancy: It is normal, towards the end of a pregnancy for there to be a small amount of swelling in the ankles. You’re carrying not only your own weight, but the baby, amniotic fluid and other materials that contribute to the child’s development.

However, you should report *any* swelling to your doctor immediately. It could also be a sign of pre-eclampsia or toxemia in pregnancy. Both of these problems can kill both you and your child. They constitute an immediate emergency.

It is always important to work with your doctor when you have a medical problem. Swollen ankles are usually not a major health crisis, but they can be. Getting a diagnosis before deciding on treatment is the best thing you can do to protect yourself.

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