Health Benefits of Receiving a Massage

Massage is a wonderful way a person can treat themselves. The soothing massage strokes can provide a feeling of calm and relaxation. It is easy to feel as though you are escaping to your own private oasis while leaving the cares of the world behind.

As wonderful as a massage can feel, it can also provide added health benefits as well. In recent years, many health practitioners have come to discover the amazing health benefits massage provides and are now far more apt to recommend such services to their patients.

As a practicing massage therapist with 7 years of experience, I can personally attest to these health benefits. Many of my clients have experienced these health benefits. I have learned about a lot of these health benefits myself through my years of practice.

Probably the most obvious advantage of massage is that it lowers stress levels. Increased stress levels can raise blood pressure and irritate the digestive system. The Discover Massage Therapy website states that massage calms the body and allows the systems within the body to function properly.

Another way this type of therapy can improve health is by promoting healthier blood circulation. Certain massage techniques can manipulate the blood flow in the body. This allows the blood to circulate more freely and deliver much needed nutrients to all parts of the body. By improving blood flow to the brain, it can help sharpen concentration and increase learning capacity.

Massage can also help remove certain toxins from the body. According to Mama’s Health, many of these toxins can accumulate in certain areas and form unwanted bands of tension. Massage can break up these bands and allow them to be cleansed from the body. Often times, the massage therapist will notice a distinctive knot in the muscle tissue. Many of these knots are simply a large amount of these accumulated toxins, and the therapist will spend extra time working on these specific areas to break up the bands, allowing the toxins to circulate freely in the blood stream and be cleansed from the body.

Healthier breathing is another benefit massage provides. As the body relaxes, breathing tends to get slower and deeper, allowing the lungs to receive a greater capacity of oxygen. The more oxygen that is allowed to enter the body, the better it is for the blood to deliver nutrients throughout the body.

Many of the oils and lotions that are used in massage are actually quite beneficial for the skin. They can provide a soothing moisturizer and exfoliant. Some massage therapists will provide a salt scrub with their services, which removes dead skin cells and dry skin. Many of the products used are natural and hypoallergenic, which eliminates the fear of an adverse skin reaction.

The UCSF website details how massage therapy can help treat such medical conditions as carpal tunnel syndrome and fibromyalgia. It can even help ease the strain and pain of pregnancy. Chronic pain can be relieved with massage techniques like acupressure and trigger point therapy. Many therapists will specialize in a modality of massage that is specifically designed to treat a certain medical condition.

Another added benefit is that it helps with mental wellness. Time seems to stand still and all cares seem to melt away as the body relaxes to the soothing touch of the massage. With the body coming into better balance, so too can the mind. A person will normally leave a session feeling happier and far more relaxed.

As the world of massage is becoming better known as the years progress, there are likely to be even more health benefits discovered from this type of therapy. Some insurance plans even cover massage therapy for certain medical conditions. Massage therapy is finally being given the respect it deserves from the medical community as a true means to mend body and mind.

Additional sources used for this article:
Melissa L. Chambers, Benefits of Massage…The Physiological Benefits, Discover Massage Therapy
Mama’s Health, Inc., Deep Tissue Massage, Mama’s Health
The Regents of the University of California, Massage: Conditions Treated, UCSF

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