Fake Flake Jewels and Other Snow Day Crafts

Be sure to keep a supply of inexpensive paper plates, glue, markers, crayons, glitter , and other craft supplies on hand throughout the winter. When you have a variety of craft supplies on hand, beating the snow day blahs is easy. When snow day boredom sets in with your kids, pull out a few supplies and enjoy some craft time together!

Here are a few snow crafts we enjoy in our house:

Flake Jewels
You need: Mini Rotelle-wheels (dry)
2 paper plates
Clear-drying glue
Fine glitter
Wax paper

Make a necklace from glitter and noodles. . Pour a puddle of glue into one paper plate. Pour glitter onto the other plate. Use blues, silver, or gold for the best results. Roll a wheel noodle in the glue. Cover all sides, using fingers to smear the glue as needed. Dip into the pile of glue and roll through to coat the noodle all over. Place on wax paper to dry.

Cut a piece of yarn long enough to tie and slip over your child’s head. Fold the yarn in half and insert the mid-loop through one of the noodle “spokes.” Make a slip knot to secure the snowflake “jewel” in place. The noodle should lie flat on the child’s neck. Tie the loose ends and slip on the necklace! (Use elbow noodles to add extra beads between the “snowflakes” if you’d like.) If you don’t have yarn on hand, try using 1/8-inch wide ribbon.

Indoor Snowballs
You need: 10 6-inch squares of tissue paper
Pipe cleaner or rubber band

The Indoor Snowball is a like a tissue paper flower. Stack and line up all the tissue squares. Fold the tissue paper accordion style, then cinch the center with a pipe cleaner or rubber band. Fluff five of the sheets one direction and the remaining five in the other direction (like a double-sided tissue flower). Make several and have an indoor snowball fight!

Recycled Book Pages
You need: Pages from an old book

Using recycled book pages to make snowflakes is a new twist on an old tradition. Tear pages from an old book to use for making traditional folded-paper snowflakes. It’s a great way to save paper!

None of these crafts require a lot of clean up so when you’re finished crafting, there will be plenty of time to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with the kids!

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