College Vs Self-education

College is not for everyone. The thought of spending the best 4 years of one’s youth at an institution doesn’t sound adventurous or exciting. It seems to be a way for the government to socially condition people to obey orders from their superiors and a way to control the people from someone uprising and causing a revolution in today’s status quo or current way of thinking. The Philosophy of Education field tries to question the current thinking behind educating the public and teaching the young. But, has this lead to any change. It seems that the colleges and schools don’t promote curiosity. Instead, they shut it down and limit your questions to only one a day.People have been taught to believe that the only way to success is through a college education or degree, but I think there are alternatives to a college education. Parents of graduated high school students are over obsessed in putting their kids to college that they forgot what kind of person the student is.

Self-education is worth much more than any formal education. Self-education is practically free and doesn’t require tuition, grades or a teacher. The only teacher is yourself, and being better prepared in the real world can be achieved through self-education. Skills in the workplace keep on changing and a person who graduated college will have a disadvantage because they are taught to believe that knowledge only exists in the institutions and schools. But, knowledge can be self-taught and a autodidact is just that, a person who is self-educated and doesn’t rely on the government or teachers to teach him/her.

With tuition constantly increasing and with college professors losing their jobs the quality of education is drastically falling. I don’t think it is worth attending if one doesn’t know what to do in their life; someone can find their passion without the General Education though self-education. One must have the discipline and hard work mentality because it seems less challenging, monotonous, and repetitive to attend a college to receive a degree that might not serve someone well. It would have been better if people saved their money and educated themselves though books, documentaries, and the Internet. There are more tools available than ever before. One can attend a local library and learn from there also. The possibilities are endless when one teaches themselves.

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