Bouquet of Flowers or One Stemmed Rose?

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years, and I’m always having a hard time of thinking what to give her on special occasions, like Valentine’s Day. Not because I don’t know what she wants, but because I don’t want to repeat something that I’ve done before. This kind of thinking led to one of my funny memories of Valentine’s Day.

I listed down what I’ve already given her in the past years and I realized that I’m missing one of the basic gifts that a man can give her girl: flowers. Now the next question is what kind of flower I should give. Influenced by several romantic TV series I watched, I ordered a single stemmed rose because they say it’s a lot sweeter. Then I asked my girlfriend to come over to our house so I can surprise her with it. The timing was perfect because the rose was delivered a few hours before my girlfriend arrived, and I got enough time to personalize it. I removed as much thorn as I can, trimmed the stem to my desired length, and carefully removed leaves to make it look more elegant. In short, I did everything to make it look as romantic as possible. After I was satisfied, I placed it on the table and went upstairs to get dressed.

My parents then arrived from their own date, and my mom carrying a bouquet of roses from my dad accidentally placed it on the table and mixed it with the single stemmed rose that I prepared for my girlfriend. Then in just a few minutes, my girlfriend was already knocking on the door and my mom called out to notify me.

When I went down, my girlfriend looked at me and said “The flowers smells great”, and after looking at the table for a few seconds, I decided to give up all my effort on the single stemmed rose that I specially prepared for the occasion, and just threw in a reply, with all confidence, “Their yours, happy Valentines day!”. Now all that’s left in this funny Valentine’s Day memories is the explanation that I owe my parents for giving away my mom’s bouquet.

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