Are U.S. Presidential Voters Brain Dead?

Americans like a a good show. This fact have become increasingly evident in American politics, despite the fact that the American economy continues to weaken. Rather then focus on candidates who discuss importance issues like Foreign Policy and the economy, the media seems to focus on candidates with the highest “entertainment value”. No one makes this fact more evident then CNN’s Jack Cafferty.

” In an election where the Republican candidate actually stands a chance against a weakened incumbent president, so far, a couple of intellectual lightweights are stealing the show.”
“Bachmann and Perry… these two have been sucking up most of the media’s attention for saying stupid things.”

CNN’S Jack Cafferty makes a valid point. While other candidates are trying to run a serious campaign, candidates Bachmann and Perry have been gaining momentum with absurd comments. Bachmann has promised that as president of the United States, she would lower gas prices to $2 a gallon. (Providing no specific examples of how she would accomplish this, instead she just blamed President Obama for high gas prices) While campaigning in Iowa, Rick Perry stated that the actions of the Chairman of the Federal reserve (Ben Bernanke) were “almost treasonous”. The fact that voter support is increasing for at least one of these candidates (Perry), is proof that politics is turning into a game, meant to entertain the American people.

Cafferty later states:

“… Meanwhile, some Republicans, including Karl Rove, suggest that the former half-term dropout governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, will join the race as well.”

The fact that Palin is receiving any public support is itself shocking. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin not only humiliated herself during the 2008 presidential elections with her clueless interviews and unstable comments, but she may have also costed Senator John McCain the presidential seat. She is a failed leader, having resigned from her position as a Governor of Alaska half-way through her term. Of all the (potential) GOP candidates, Sarah Palin is defiantly the least qualified to serve as president of the United States. So why is the public treating her as a serious candidate?

Is the Public truly “Brain-Dead”?

The latest public polls would seem to indicate that it is. Hopefully as the presidential campaign develops, the more “serious” candidates start to get some coverage. For the time being however, we will have to deal with the mainstream media’s obsession over “entertainment candidates”. Expect Perry-Bachmann headlines to continue to dominate headlines these next few weeks.

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