An Unexpected Hiatus

Life sometimes has a way of changing your plans at the most inconvenient of times. And to be honest it can be quite frustrating. Such was the predicament that I’ve been in since mid-June of this year.

For the past several months I have been unable to submit any articles for Yahoo Associated Content. Just when I appeared to be on a roll, my computer misbehaved by rearing its ugly head in opposition to my plans. It seems as if there was always another glitch that was impeding my potential progress.

After doing all that I knew and seeking professional help, it became quite apparent to me that my computer had taken its last stand. It was impossible for me to read and comment on the hundreds of articles that I had been receiving e-mail notifications about.

But now it was time to accept my new computer-less reality and make this downtime productive in some kind of way. As an avid reader I stocked up on books to read from the library. It was getting me closer to my goal of reading 100 by year’s end. I also became more involved in some activities at my church. There is also something to do there and help is always needed and appreciated in working with the various ministries.

But the most important time was some quality time that I was able to spend with my father. For nearly a month I was out of town serving and encouraging him as he underwent unexpected surgery as a result of a stress fracture that led to a fall. At any age, surgery is not something that is welcomed. But at 90 years old it is not only unwelcomed but also very serious. Thankfully the surgery was successful. He is currently going through rehabilitation.

I am now back in the saddle and looking forward to writing. Reading your articles makes me become a better informed and educated individual. It might take me a while to get back up to speed but eventually all will be well in my writing world. Hello everyone. It’s good to be back in the loop.


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