An Invitation to Dinner

Carol held a goblet up for inspection. Wiping the rim, she placed it down gently.

She sighed, wondering how it was possible that each time she dabbed at a water spot, another one appeared to take its place! She would be glad to get the party started. Carol’s anxiety before a dinner party always vanished once her guests started arriving.

At 5:00, the doorbell rang throughout the house. Carol smoothed her hair, patted her dress, and cast one last glance at the dining room table before rushing to open it.

“Hello, Woody! Come in, come in…so glad you could come!”

“It’s great to be here, Carol. Say – it’s quite a place you got here!”

Carol blushed. It was true! She shared a cozy home with her husband Brent. And she was grateful for it everyday. She always breathed a prayer of thanks for this lovely house, whenever she tidied up and watered the flowering houseplants.

Brent came out from the back bedroom, and smiled broadly when he saw Woody.

“You made it. That’s great, Woody. Welcome to our home!”

Putting his arm around Woody’s shoulder, Brent led him to a large, imposing bowl of peanuts. Woody loved peanuts. Brent remembered the day he met Woody on a park bench. They had shared a bag of peanuts then, as they chatted and got to know each other.

“Hey – no shells!” Woody eagerly scooped up a handful.

“Yep,” Brent laughed. “Carol always remembers to put the peanuts out. They’re my contribution to these dinner parties!” He winked at Carol.

The doorbell rang again. It was Ross. He always looks so stylish, Carol thought when she saw him standing there. Tonight he was wearing a red cardigan, and new pleated trousers. Carol took his beret, and put it on the closet shelf.

Brent made the introductions. “Ross, this is our friend, Woody…Woody, Ross!”

“Hi, there!” Woody said. “Nice sweater.”

Ross looked at him uncertainly. “Hi there, yourself!” Then he paused as if trying to remember him. “Woody, is it? Say, what do you do, Woody?”

“Huh? Oh…well, I have latrine duty at the city rescue mission this week. Not so great, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

A moment thick with uncertainty hung over them. Ross pinched his nostrils together. Then a large grin spread over his face. “That’s a good one, Woody!” He poked Woody in the shoulder. “I like the fashion statement, too!” Poking him a second time, Ross lowered his voice and bent his head over next to him. “What is it you really do, Woody?”

“What do you mean?” Ross stared at him. Woody stared back. The doorbell rang, relieving both of them.

Felix and Arlene had arrived, fashionably late. Carol hung Arlene’s wrap in the closet, while Brent answered the door to welcome Tyrone and Bonita.

Felix spotted the new face in the room immediately, and smiled brightly. A pharmaceutical salesman, he was very good at meeting and greeting. The company called it networking. But it passed for friendliness at dinner parties. He didn’t wait for Carol and Brent to make introductions.

“Hey there, Ross!” Felix nodded. Then he extended his hand to Woody. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Woody wiped his hand on his back pocket before shaking Felix’s hand.

“No, I don’t reckon. Name’s Woody. What’s yours?”

“Felix. Name’s Felix.” He looked Woody up and down. “You from around here?”

“Me? Uh…nope, I um, well I sleep at the city rescue mission – about 20 miles from here I guess.”

A long pause settled in and wrapped clear around the living room. Finally, Felix broke the silence. “How’d you get here?!”

“I took the bus down on Maine…then transferred at 34th St. Then I thumbed it. This house ain’t on no bus route.”

“No, I guess not,” Felix said, raising an eyebrow. His wife Arlene crossed the room and grabbed his elbow.

“Felix, dear – Tyrone was just telling me about their new yacht.” She pulled her husband away, leaving Woody alone with Ross. Ross stared at Woody, and Woody stared back. Around them, the conversation swirled.

“Yep, brand new alright. She’s a beauty! Canary yellow…Bonita’s favorite color!” Tyrone beamed.

Felix raised his glass. “Maybe Arlene and I will…” Suddenly his chest felt claustrophobic, and panic seized him. What was happening? Felix felt his heart flutter and he gasped. The crushing pain made him break out in a chilly sweat. He raised his shoulder slightly, and a look of alarm crossed his face.

Arlene choked out, “Carol! Carol! Something’s wrong with Felix!”

Carol ran to call 911. Felix slumped to the floor. Brent hurried over to his friend. He put his hand on his forehead. It was cold and clammy. Jesus, help us,” he prayed earnestly.

“Does anybody know what to do?” Ross asked anxiously. “There must be something we can do!”

“I took CPR when I was a Boy Scout leader. Earned a badge for my first aid class, too,” Tyrone blurted.

“Well, get over here then!” Ross urged.

Tyrone hovered anxiously over Felix, who did not appear to be breathing. “Let’s see, is it fifteen breaths to two compressions, or two breaths to fifteen compressions? Which one’s first? It’s all jumbled up now. I can’t remember much about this…”

“I know what to do,” Woody said firmly.

“You do?! ” Ross looked uncertain. “You sure?”

“Sure thing, I’m sure.” Woody moved in and Tyrone skittered over sheepishly.

Woody knew what he was doing, alright. After a few minutes of performing CPR, Felix began to sputter and cough.

“Oh, darling!” Arlene put her head on his belly and sobbed.

They all heard the siren sounds and breathed deep sighs of relief. Within moments, the paramedics administered first aid and lifted Felix onto a stretcher. “He’s stable now, “one of the medics said. “We’ll get him into the hospital.”

Felix opened his eyes and saw Brent leaning over him. His eyes searched his friend’s face. “What happened to me, Brent?”

“You’re gonna be okay now, buddy.”

Felix moaned, and the paramedics adjusted his oxygen mask. Arlene climbed into the ambulance with her husband.

Ross stood there sweating in his red sweater. Tyrone and Bonita sat quietly on one end of the sofa. Carol went and sat beside them, putting her head down in her hands. Ross was the first to speak.

“Woody, that was great.”

“You rescued Felix!” Bonita said, shaking. Tyrone just sat there, looking for the words in his mouth.

Woody was standing off by himself, with his hands in his pockets. He shrugged. “It was nothing, man. Glad to help.” He eyed the peanut bowl and sauntered over to it.

Woody, Tyrone, Bonita, and Ross passed peanuts around and got to know each other, while Carol and Brent went to the kitchen to make final dinner preparations for their guests.

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