An End of the World Perspective

We are embarking upon a new year and I ask myself, as always, what this new year will entail. I watch with anticipation and anxiety at the news reported from home and across the world. Economically our world will never be the same. So many economic collapses and I fear that we here in the US are not far off from our own economic collapse. With thoughts in the economic world I find myself jumping to the whole end of the world scenarios that we have all heard. I can tell you that no one in any place can give you the exact time of the end of the world, for those that are familiar with the Bible it even tells you that Jesus Christ has no idea when that eventful day will come. I, myself, do believe that the end is near and as the Bible tells me too, I keep a watchful eye for the trumpet to sound, but in this article I am looking at the end of the world as we know it under different terms.

Most if not all of us are familiar with the Mayan Calendar and its ending on December 21, 2012. Many prophecies hold that this is the end of the world, but I challenge each of you to look at this in a different light. It has been said for many years that we are on the verge of economic collapse and that the upcoming year 2012 is where we really begin to see that fall. So I ask the question is it possible that the end of the Mayan calendar is an age old prediction of the world economic collapse we will experience? Is the prediction of the end of the world in 2012 a prediction of the destruction of our economy that will eventually lead to the end of the world and destruction of earth as we know it? I make no concrete predictions here but rather offer a different perspective or light on the end of the world predictions being spoken about the year 2012. We speak and believe that man is the intelligent species, we can have diverse thought patterns and create the most intelligent of designs, but has our intelligence led us down a road to destruction?

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