5 Gardening Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

My garden is not the most vibrant in the neighborhood, but it seems to improve a little every year. Nevertheless, any improvement has been through trial and error. I have made many gardening mistakes, but remembering them has helped my gardening improve when it is time to plant again. Here are some of my past gardening mistakes.

Purchasing Plants without Reading or Learning about Them

In the past, I went to the nursery and bought plants that appealed to me without reading about them. Ultimately, I would plant them in the wrong place or care for them improperly. Most plant containers have cards that specifically state how large the plant will grow, how much sun it needs and whether it needs frequent watering. You can also read information about whether the plant appeals to deer. If information about the plant is not posted in the pot, ask a nursery employee about care and planting conditions.

Ignoring Gardening Catalogues

When I first started gardening, I typically went to a nursery to purchase plants and threw away gardening catalogues. Eventually I began looking at the catalogues and noticed that they often had diagrams of shade and sun plants. Often the catalogues contained plants that were difficult to find in a nursery. Additionally, I could call with questions and get knowledgeable answers.

Purchasing Too Many Plants at One Time

It is easy to buy more plants than you have time to plant. Purchasing plants in batches enhances your ability to plant them before they die. As you finish planting one batch of plants, you can purchase more.

Gardening Mistakes that Make It Tough to Keep the Garden Looking Pretty

Gardening Without the Right Equipment

Attempting to pull weeds without gloves or a pad for knees can be a painful gardening mistake. Many weeds can cause itching or have sharp pricks that can be painful to touch. Sitting on your knees to pull weeds for long periods of time can be uncomfortable without a pad. Additionally, cuts and discomfort will make you less willing to weed regularly.

Failure to Weed Regularly

I hate to weed, and sometimes it is apparent when people see my garden. However, I try to weed for short periods of time during the day, so my garden does not become overgrown with weeds. Enlisting my family to help also keeps the weeds manageable. I have also discovered that plants which naturally spread help keep the weeds from becoming noticeable.

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