What are the symptoms of aspiration

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Symptoms of aspiration include fever, cough, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the skin, and rapid heart rate. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-aspiration ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of aspiration
What are symptoms of ASPIRATION ?
breathing in; inhalation; aspiration; inspiration
Can you tell me the symptoms of an infection after hydrocele aspi…?
Jim: Aspiration of a hydrocele is not the recommended treatment, in part for the reason you …
What is Aspiration pneumonia ?
Aspiration pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs and airways to the lungs (bronchial tubes) from breathing in foreign material.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the symptoms of aspiration pneumonia in kittens?
A: Sorry, Peeps only, no kittehs.Srsly, the Pet people have lots of gr8 advice.
Can you tell me please?
Q: I am doing a research paper, on when dogs Aspirate into the lungs. I would like to know what the signs and symptoms of Aspiration are and what the treatment is for it. If you have any links you can pass on, that have more information on the subject, can you please include them in your answers? If you have any personal stories of your own about experiences you had, I would like to hear them too! Thanks!
A: call a vet and ask them.
What are the treatments for aspiration pneumonia in cats?
Q: We have to give our little cat some liquid medicine. The first night we did it, my husband accidentally squirted the meds right to the back of her throat. She gagged and spat and coughed — we thought we had killed her. We held her upside down and patted her back, that’s all we could think of to do. She eventually stopped coughing and since then (it’s been about 4 days) she seems absolutely fine — except for an occasional fit of coughing. We are SOOOOOOOOO much more careful now, we squirt the med into the side of her mouth.Anyway, if she did aspirate some of the meds, what will that do? If she develops aspiration pneumonia, what will the symptoms be? What treatments are available? She’s already on antibiotics for a nasal infection. Any/all advice is appreciated.
A: Don’t worry. I did that too the first time I had to give one of my kittens liquid medication. He’s fine now too, although he probably hates medicine more because of it.Here are some links about aspiration pneumonia including symptoms and treatments:http://www.petplace.com/cats/aspiration-pneumonia-in-cats/page1.aspxhttp://www.petmd.com/cat/conditions/respiratory/c_ct_pneumonia_aspirationhttp://www.petpeoplesplace.com/resources/articles/cats/61-hand-rearing-kittens-pneumonia.htmhttp://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=61946Good luck and I hope your girl is okay.
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