What are symptoms of it

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Animals Plants .We found some answers as below for this question “What are symptoms of it”,you can compare them.

There are several types of schizophrenia, but a general symptom is unusual thoughts or perceptions, like hallucinations. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-it ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of it
Why herbal mix offers better relief in cough, cold symptoms?
A special blend of three local herbs- ginger, bitter kola and resurrection plant – with honey has been shown to be an excellent remedy for cough, cold and catarrh. CHUKWUMA MUANYA writes. For instance, a mixture of ginger (Zingiber officina…
Why symptoms of schizophrenia emerge in young adulthood
In reports of two new studies, researchers led by Johns Hopkins say they have identified the mechanisms rooted in two anatomical brain abnormalities that may explain the onset of schizophrenia and the reason symptoms don’t develop until you…
How long do symptoms last?
Symptoms of West Nile fever will generally last a few days, although even some healthy people report having the illness last for several weeks. The symptoms of severe disease (encephalitis or meningitis) may last several weeks, although neu…

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do i have some sort of learning disability or am i just unintelligent? or are they the same thing?
Q: i’m 21 and studying pre-med in college and i’m noticing that i seem to be “slow” compared to other people. in labs, i would always not know what i am doing and have to ask the TA tons of questions and i’d usually be the last one finished. i always thought this was simply because i usually didn’t pay attention in lecture or read the procedure before the lab, but there are probably plenty of people who do the same thing, but they manage to do well in lab. also, i realize that i always find it very difficult to pay attention in lectures unless i am interested in what is being talked about. this is probably a big part of the reason i don’t do as well in exams.and when i really think about it, it is not just academics. i find that my social skills are lacking because i can never think of what to say to open a conversation with someone. and i often seem to end up saying stupid things simply because it slipped my mind. i also notice that i am often the last person to get a joke. and i have never been fast in math and i have always lost at games like chess.what is wrong with me? am i just of lower intelligence? i took an online iq test once(a legit one) and i scored above average. someone said when i asked a question like this that i might have ADD. i looked a the symptoms of ADD and it does sound a lot like me. is having ADD different from someone who is just of low intelligence? if so, how?also, is it common for someone with ADD to excel at a field like medicine? is it possible?
A: You’re above average intelligence. I had the same problem. Slow learning and problems maintaining attention. Feeling of social inadequacy. Don’t be taken in by those who seem to know what they’re doing in labs without preparation, most of them are finding out what to do from someone else. As soon as I fixed my attention span problem and started absorbing teaching material (you have to force yourself to focus … avoid medications), I did very well. Graduated at the top of my class. But I still don’t know what to say most times in a conversation.
Wheezing, sore throat, cough, short of breath, losing voice – what’s going on!?!?!?!?
Q: It started 6 weeks ago when I came down with the flu (possibly H1N1). As soon as I knew I had the flu and not just a cold, I called my doctor to get on Tamiflu, since I am asthmatic. My flu symptoms cleared up in a few days, but my shortness of breath and tight chest and constant cough did not, so I went to urgent care, where the doctor said my asthma was aggravated and put me on prednisone, which helped a bit with the first dose, but soon as I started weaning off of it the symptoms came back. It made me feel really depressed at first too.After the course of prednisone I was still having the same trouble, so I went to my own doctor, who said you can have asthma symptoms for 4-6 weeks after the flu. Just in case I did have a respiratory infetion, he gave me an antibiotic too. Over the next week or so I started breathing a little better, but still not 100%.After the course of antibiotics, I was STILL having wheezing and shortness of breath, but had also develop a sore throat and was having some slight hoarseness. Since it was over the Thanksgiving break, I went into urgent care where THIRD doctor told me it was probably just my asthma causing a lot of inflammation, and gave me another round of prednisone, this time a higher dose.Just this past week, I called my doctor to ask for Advair, which has helped a lot with my asthma in the past. I am taking that, but my sore throat had gotten worse and I am losing my voice.I have been on the advair for a week now. For the past week I have also started a course of prilosec in case this could be caused by GERD, but have no relief of symptoms. I have also re-stated using daily sinus irrigation and nasonex in case it is post nasal drip (I have NO congestion) but also have no relief of my symptoms from this. I have looked into it being throat cancer but I do not have all the symptoms of that. I have also been taking Muxinex, Bronchaid, Cough suppressants (both syurp and drops) and using a humidifier EVERY day and drinking water, but I get little to know relief. I try to cough as little as possible to avoid further inflamationThis is so bad it has interfered with my ability to do my job (I am a teacher and without very little voice it is nearly impossible to teach effectively!!!) I am missing a LOT of work. I am afraid to go back to the dr. and be told AGAIN that its just my asthma. I am moderate asthma – mostly just slight wheezing and prone to respiratory infections. I have NEVER had a problem this bad in the 15 years since I’ve been diagnosed with asthma!Please please please, if you know WHAT this could be or have had a similar problem, give me some information so that when I go back to the doctor I can find out for sure what is wrong with me!!!I am using my inhaler every 4-6 hours, and as I have said nothing is relieving the symptoms. I have also been on steriods twice with little relief from them.
A: whatever happened to natural selection?Print out your testimony and hand it to the doctor.
i have white skin coming out of my vagina. what could it be/?
Q: there are no other symptoms, no itching, burning, or anything. It’s just white skin. it just started yesturday.Well it started when i was masturbating…it also started when me and my bf were having sex before. we used condoms. and it looks like white skin. it doesnt hurt, i dont itch, or anything. what should i do?I am a man, but i am asking because my gf feels to embarresed to ask…even over the internet. I on the other hand have no problems asking.She does have Ezcema…could that have something to do with it?She does have Ezcema…could that have something to do with it?okay, i dont have anything like that wrong with my penis. Just saying.
A: is it kinda like spongy becaus if it is i have the same problem and its weird its not much just a lol peices
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