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What are Chlamydia symptoms in woman

Health related question in topics Chlamydia .We found some answers as below for this question “What are Chlamydia symptoms in woman”,you can compare them.

A:Symptoms of chlamydial infection in the cervix, urethra, or anus may include intermittent vaginal bleeding or discharge, more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-chlamydia-symptoms-in-woman ]
More Answers to “What are Chlamydia symptoms in woman
What are the symptoms of chlamydia for women
The majority of women with chlamydia do not have symptoms.
How long does it take for chlamydia symptoms to show up in women??
it can take between 1-3 weeks for chlamydia symptoms to show up in women, but 70% of womendon’t have symptoms at all.
Can a woman have Chlamydia for almost two years and not have symp…?
Yes women can have chlamydia and have no symptoms at all the longer you leave it too the more likely you are to become infertile.If you think you may have it get checked asap.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the first symptom of chlamydia that a woman would more than likely experience first?
Q: like is it lower abdomainal pain or intching and burning in the vagina?I don’t have it but a friend of mine thinks she might and got tested the other day…we are waiting on the results thanks so much
A: Having this STD before I can tell you that, you won’t know until you experience one or more of these symptoms back pain, abdominal pain, urinary tract infection, and blood in urine Go to doctor if experiencing these effects. They will provide you with a drug called Zithromax.Hopes it work out for the good! 🙂
What are the symptoms in young adult women (19yrs.) when your told you might have Chlamydia or gonnariea?
A: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in women can produce inflammation and mucupurulent discharge in the following places:Urethritis (inflammation of the urethra – difficult to diagnose in women because the of the position of the urethra, compared to men)Cervicitis (Inflammation of the cervix)Bartholinitis (Inflammation of the Bartholin glands that underlie the labia – they will look like unilateral labial swellings that can be quite marked and painful)Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye).Occasionally, gonorrhea can also cause pharyngitis (sore throat in those who have engaged in unprotected oral-genital sexual contact), and chlamydia can cause proctitis in those who engage in unprotected anal sex.More severe gonorrheal and chylamydial complications in women include pelvic inflammatory disease and, for gonorrhea, a disseminated gonococcal infection (can spread throughout the entire body via the bloodstream).The most common symptoms, however, would be painful urination and mucopurlent discharge from the vagina. Some women can be completely assymptomatic. If the case is more advanced, there could possibly some tenderness on cervical manipulation – a pelvic exam by a doctor, for example, might reveal this.If you were told by a male partner that you might have chalmydia or gonorrhea, it is important that you seek medical care immediately. Although both conditions are completely treatable by antibiotics, they can lead to some pretty terrible effects if left untreated – infertility, perihepatitis, chronic pelvic pain, a risk for ectopic pregnancy. Go see a doctor immediately if you suspect that you may have been exposed.Th doctor will likely put you on antibiotics for both diseases, since, in 30% of cases, they cause co-infections. Ceftriaxone of Cefixime single dose for the gonorrhea bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhea), plus either a single dose of Azirthromycin, or, alternatively, Doxycycline for 7 days for the Chlamydia bacterium (Chlamydiae trachomatis).
Exactly how much abnormal bleeding do women experience if they are infected with chlamydia or gonnorhea?
Q: I understand that abnormal vaginal bleeding in between menstrual cycles is a symptom found in women who are infected with chlamydia or gonnorhea. Is this usually a lot of blood (does it last for a few hours, days, weeks) and is it like a period? Also, how long would it usually take to see these signs after one is infected (1 week, 1 month, etc) and what are some other signs?
A: My bleeding was never irregular when i had chlamydia.
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