What takes care of an abscess

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “What takes care of an abscess”,you can compare them.

A:It varies greatly depending on what type and what area it is on but often requires antibiotics. Cha Cha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-takes-care-of-an-abscess ]
More Answers to “What takes care of an abscess
What takes care of an abscess
It varies greatly depending on what type and what area it is on but often requires antibiotics. Cha Cha again soon!
Do I have an abscessed tooth?
In an abscessed tooth, the nerve is dead or almost dead, so the tooth is usually not sensitive to cold. Cold may actually make the tooth feel better as it causes the swelling to reduce some, causing less pressure. The tooth will be sensitiv…
How do I take care of the swelling from abscess?
Maybe it’s better for you to go to doctor. He will know what treatment you need for your abscess. Sometimes untreated abscess can cause big problems. You should know that you do not try to attempt to drain the abscess by pressing on it. You…

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I have an abscess on my arm about the size of quarter how should I care for it without going to the doctor?
Q: should I try to drain it with a needle or let it take care of itself?should I use a cold or warm compress to help the swelling and redness?If I have no symptoms of the flu; fever, aches, fatigue etc. can I let it heal and see what happens in the next few days or should I have it drained by the 14th day if it has not changed?
A: go see a doctor i had one on my tailbone i could not even sit down. i eventually had to get surgery and it sucked. when you see the doctor he will just lance it .
How to take care of tooth/gum abscess?
Q: I woke up a few days ago thinking i was having a migraine and then the next day found an abscess on my gums over a tooth..I can’t make it to a dentist until next month..Is there any way i can take care of it myself until i can get to the dentist..I’ve been rinsing my mouth out with mouthwash at least 3 times a day..I thought that it felt like it was getting smaller but im not sure..Any home remedy suggestions that i can try until i can get to the dentist? I know when i get to the dentist they will have to remove my tooth..but until i am able to get there what can i do to help the abscess?
A: Here’s a link to home remedies for an abscess. It may provide some relief until you can get to a dentist. A family member just got one and looked up remedies because he is uninsured. !!! Salt solution seemed to have really helped. Best wishes.http://www.myhomeremedies.com/topic.cgi?topicid=316http://www.healthoma.com/tooth-abscess-effective-home-remedies/http://www.paradisenow.net/healing.htmlhttp://www.mothernature.com/Library/Bookshelf/Books/48/98.cfmeditTry using 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and water as a mouthwash and then hold some in your mouth so the tooth can soak in it. It may foam up, that’s ok it’s working. Do not swallow solution. Repeat as necessary. My brother said that took most of the pain away and it feels much better now. He said a salt and water solution will help too. Hope this helps till you get to the dentist
how do i care for my mouth after an infected tooth was pulled and a bone graph put in it’s place?
Q: i just got an abscessed tooth removed and a bone graph placed in my jaw so dental implant can be put in eventually.i was in a daze at the office and i accidently forgot the paper on how to take care of my mouth for the next few days. am i allowed to eat and drink tonight? what are the things i need to know?
A: I had a tooth pulled and bone graft about 6 months ago and just the other day had the screw put in for a future implant. I was given antibiotics, and a prescription mouth wash, don’t use something strong like listerine, there is alcohol in it. If you did not get a prescription mouth wash, then gargle with warm salt water, gargle gently. I was told to not eat on that side and to eat soft stuff, also not to brush my teeth at that spot. Also I was told not to brush or gargle until the next day 24 hours after the procedure, I could eat sooner but only soft stuff. I would call the dentist now but if it is too late definitely tomorrow first thing in the morning.
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