What is this bump that hurts on the roof of my mouth

Health related question in topics Roof of My Mouth .We found some answers as below for this question “What is this bump that hurts on the roof of my mouth”,you can compare them.

A:A bump on the roof of your mouth could be an abscess, canker sore, blister, or something more serious. Have it checked out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-this-bump-that-hurts-on-the-roof-of-my-mouth ]
More Answers to “What is this bump that hurts on the roof of my mouth
What is this bump that hurts on the roof of my mouth
A bump on the roof of your mouth could be an abscess, canker sore, blister, or something more serious. Have it checked out.
Could this cause a bump on the roof on his mouth?
He should have it looked at. If irritation is causing this, the partial needs to be adjusted. If the root canal is failing, that is a much bigger problem. Source(s): A dentist
Why do people have bumps on the roof of their mouth??
If you smoke, and especially if you smoke a cigar or pipe, whitish bumps on the palatecould represent a benign condition known as smoker’s palate .

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A: You have gotten food and plaque caught under the gum around the band. You will need to have it cleaned out by the dentist. In the meantime take a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish ir vigorously around the area and spit out. Do this every 2 hours. This will help until your appointment. Good luck D
bump on roof of mouth???
Q: About two days ago i felt a pain in the roof of my mouth right in the middle and towards the back, it hurt when i touched it. I used a mirror to look at it and it looked like a bite or pimple..and it was very red. I didnt eat anything spice or sharp or hard so i know it has nothing to do with food that i ate. It was hurting for about 2 days and i checked today and it doesnt hurt anymore but the bump is still there. Its now pink instead of red and got alittle more smaller. Has anybody ever had this before? If so what is it?
A: Not quiet sure what it is, but I have had one before. Just like you said it looked like a pimple and was red. Mine went away after about 4 or 5 days.Hope this helps.
Bump on roof of mouth?
Q: I have this small bump on the roof of my mouth, My friend says that it almost looks like two little holes almost. I havent put anything sharp in my mouth in a while. It also makes it hurt when I eat and feel funny when cold liquid passes over it. What is this and what should I do to get rid of it.I have this small bump on the roof of my mouth, My friend says that it almost looks like two little holes almost. I havent put anything sharp in my mouth in a while. It also makes it hurt when I eat and feel funny when cold liquid passes over it. What is this and what should I do to get rid of it. And it is no where near my teeth, it is closer to my tonsils but not really close. And It is not strep either
A: It sounds like maybe you have ate something hard (chip) and it has made those little holes on the roof of your mouth. You could also have drank something really hot. It will heal on its own. Dont think there is anything you can do for it.
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