What is the treatment for TMJ

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Treating TMJ can include: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, a bite guard, or even surgery. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-treatment-for-tmj ]
More Answers to “What is the treatment for TMJ
What is the treatment for TMJ
Treating TMJ can include: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants, a bite guard, or even surgery. ChaCha!
What cures tmd?
TMJ Disorders Treatment. View diagnostic tests, medical proecedures, otc and prescription drugs on Healthline Treatment Search. There are 21 procedures and 3 prescriptions found for Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome…
Will my insurance cover treatment for TMJ?
This depends on your specific Dental/Medical Insurance. We have found the best success in payment from insurance companies comes about when the patient plays an active role in corresponding with the insurance company personally.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is cause and best treatment for TMJ?
Q: 2 weeks ago I had a couple of cavities filled. My dentist gave me shots in the back of my mouth on both sides. The right side did not get numb so he gave a second shot on the right side. Three days later I called my dentist because my jaw was “locked” on the right side. I could barely open my mouth, only about a finger width. I thought the shot had not worn off and caused this problem, but my dentist said it was not the shot, it is a condition called TMJ. Caused by grinding my teeth at night and or opening my mouth too wide during the dental procedure. He said I should take 4 Advil every 8 hours and if that didn’t work, I needed a cortisone shot from an oral surgeon. It’s been over 2 weeks and the jaw is still locked. Although I can open a little further now, about a finger and a half width. Can a shot cause this TMJ? How can I get rid of it? I don’t want to get another shot. But will if it actually works.
A: i have TMJ andwear a bite gaurd at night. now that you know – explain when you go in for procedures. had an extraction – #19 and man did i have to open wide. had to stop a couple times as i felt it locking up. then you’re shot in the back for the lower teeth it hits right in a large nerve – it can cause the problems and the nerve/muscle (depending on wher eit was hit) might take a while to recover. try warm compresses and also getting a bite gaurd from KMart – in the sporting goods section. it might help alleviate some of the clenching at night and thus losen your jaw without the cortizone shot. i’mleary of the shots as once you start sometimes some people then need more….Good Luck!!
TMJ Treatment?
Q: I have been diagnosed with the beginnings of TMJ at my last dentist visit. I’ve had a lot of pain I at first attributed to sinuses but now it’s accompanied by jaw pain and headaches that start when I awake and linger most of the day. I’m going back again to have impressions done to be fitted for something to wear at night to help. What will this do, exactly, and is it uncomfortable to wear? My husband doesn’t think I grind my teeth but I wake up with such a sore jaw and neck I feel I must be doing something. I’ve been chewing softer foods, taking advil, and also have stopped chewing gum so I guess this is the only option left?I also wonder if medical insurance would pay for this…my dental will only cover a portion.
A: Most insurances will not cover TMJ–you may want to look into wearing a mouth guard at night…it can make a significant difference with the headaches and jaw pain–talk to your dentist about it. I found it helpful. I only have to wear if for a couple days at a time now. It was the teeth grinding in my sleep that caused most of my pain.
What is the best treatment for TMJ Disorder?
A: try massaging the muscles involved(usually face shoulders and back of the neck) by all means, avoid the throat area..press the muscles and try to identify the painful sites..If you have identified them, keep on massaging usually with hard slow strokes till tenderness dissappearsMaintain good posture while working at a computer, watching TV, and reading. Take frequent breaks to relieve stressed muscles. Make a habit of relaxing your facial and jaw muscles throughout the day. Avoid eating hard foods, like nuts, candies, and steak.Drink plenty of water every day and get plenty of sleep. Learn relaxation techniques to reduce overall stress and muscle tension in your back, neck, and body. If these doesnt work,you may need to visit the orthodontist to realign your teeth.
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