What is seroma

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A seroma is a pocket of clear serous fluid that sometimes develops in the body after surgery. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-seroma ]
More Answers to “What is seroma
Seroma is an accumulation of fluids at the incision area after sugery. The fluid build up can make the wound buldge. Fluid can be removed by draining with a needle, however sometimes your own body can reabsorb the fluid and there is no need…
All it means is a collection of serum, which is a “water like” fluid normally present in the body, particularily the blood.
A seroma is a pocket of clear serous fluid that sometimes develops in the body after surgery.

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Q: I have a sore blood Hematoma/Seroma from stretch,tear or leak in a blood vessel in my left Breast ive iced & ill heat later but does any one know what 2 do if u r going though this while nursing? It makes it more pain full , but if I stop ill Engorge & thats painfull happened in a car wreak any sugesstions would be helpfull tell I see my ps on tues thank u so much ,…MUAH
A: Icing and compression is the best thing until the swelling and inflammation are abated. After that, moist heat applied several times a day will cause the hematoma to re-absorb. Just don’t apply heat until your sure the swelling has stopped or it will just increase swelling.Good Luck
My bird has Seroma please help!?
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A: Get another avian vet opinion maybe.
Doggy Seroma……..? ?
Q: I took my dog back to the vet today- she had a lump removed last Wednesday. What used to be a golf ball sized lump became a grapefruit sized lump…. He said it was a seroma, a pocket of fluid. He drained it, and gave us an ice pack to use a few times a day. Anyone else had a seroma on their doggy? It’s in her mammary tissue. I’m wondering if it will come back, and how often we have to do this! All I can do is wait.
A: Keep her from licking the incision area. Seromas can be caused from the friction of licking. Keep your dog quiet IE no jumping. Sometimes seromas have to have a tube inserted in them to help with drainage. Sometimes a wrap can be done to keep the seroma form forming. Seromas can be hard to prevent especially in situations where a lot of tissue needed to be removed. A seromas is essentially a “sterile abscess”. Talk to your vet about other preventitive measures.
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