What is cellulitis and Abscess

Health related question in topics Cellulitis .We found some answers as below for this question “What is cellulitis and Abscess”,you can compare them.

A:An inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection. Abscess is a symptom consisting of a MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-cellulitis-and-abscess ]
More Answers to “What is cellulitis and Abscess
What is cellulitis and Abscess
An inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue caused by a bacterial infection. Abscess is a symptom consisting of a MORE?
Is in that a difference between Cellulitis and an Abscess??
Yes, Cellulitis is an infection under the skin. They afford antibioctics to treat it. An abscess is also an infection , but will come to the top of the skin and eventually oozes pus. and have to be drained by the doctor.
Is it Abscess, Cellulites or Keloid?
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Q: on naked eye examination , both diseases present as red swollen eye
A: Orbital cellulitis typically has pain on eye movement, while lid abscesses (like a chalazion/hordeolum/stye) don’t. There’s still preseptal cellulitis, which falls somewhere in between — it has no pain on eye movement but more widespread swelling than a simple lid abscess.
I feel that the Mumps are overshadowing another illness, what do you think I should do?
Q: Here I am a nurse but I am not familiar with ENT issues, the Mumps, or infectious disease. Any health professionals want to offer advice?I was diagnosed with strep throat on April 14, on April 17th I was diagnosed with peritonsular cellulitis and abscess. On April 27th I was diagnosed with the Mumps.I feel as if my Mumps symptoms are gone, no more swelling. My tonsils are normal sized but the area that I had the abscess is hurting quite bad. I would rate it a 6 out of 10. I have narcots prescribed and they are not doing anything for the pain. I am on my third antibiotic and I am not feeling better. I am not allowed into the ENT clinic to have my throat looked at as I had dealth with this today. I am in isolation due to the mumps till next Sat. When I talked to the ENT nurse today she said my pain is from the mumps. I think that my mumps diagnosis is preventing me from getting appropriate care for the abscess, what do you think?
A: It is quite possible that you have another abscess in your tonsils, but if you have been diagnosed with peritonsilar cellulitis, I imagine that that would be quite painful. Think about the people you’ve seen with cellulitis on their arms and legs. Red, swollen, and hot are the words that come to mind for me. Did they culture your abscesses to see what organisms are growing? Are they treating you with specific antibiotics to fight those organisms or with broad spectrum stuff? I hope all the antibiotics don’t give you C. diff.
Treating a Open Wound, when do we stop packing it ?
Q: I had a abscess and cellulitis, basically a boil that got infected and the infection spread down my back. About 10 days ago they cut a hole where the abscess was and drained it, ever sense we have been packing and maintaining it. We are supposed to take the old iodoform gauze out then rinse with syringe filled with saline, then push on it to work out any puss or water then repack with iodoform gauze.There was only puss the first few days, the doctor saw it about 4 days after the initial operation and said it was ok, she said there would be no need for a follow up. She said just keep doing what we were doing and it will take 2-3 weeks to heal. The hole that was cut out is smaller than a dime in diameter, and the inner hole that gets packed is about half a inch to a inch long. Its on the upper left of my back. When we clean it out then put pressure on it the only thing that ever comes out is a little bit of blood. The hole that was cut out surgically seems to be closing fast, its the only one we can “see” the other inner hole is still getting packed but is also getting smaller.When do we stop packing this wound ? do we just pack it till we cant anymore ? Is it going to scab over ? Does it need to be covered till its completely healed ? Will sweat effect it ? should i avoid sweating ? Also should we continue the “warm compress” or was that just for the pain ?Thanks, im trying not to bother the doctor unless its necessary.
A: if just a little blood is all that’s left i would say it’s safe to put a butterfly bandage over it to hold the opening closed, but still continue to clean it out daily as before. eventually it will close up
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