What is a gum abscess

Health related question in topics a Gum Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a gum abscess”,you can compare them.

A:Gum abscess is an infection of bacteria extends from a cavity into the gums are common in people with poor dental health. Thanks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-gum-abscess ]
More Answers to “What is a gum abscess
What is a Gum Abscess?
A gum abscess is not only unsightly; it can also be quite painful.  If you get one you may become self-conscious about opening your mouth.  In addition, you can also experience quite a bit of pain.  You might feel a throbbing toothache at t…
How to treat gum abscess?
Seeing a dentist is indicated so that a professional can treat gum abscess, typically with antibiotics. Rinsing with salt water and taking a pain reliever like Motrin can help ease symptoms.
Should I drain my gum abscess myself?
You should not attempt to drain the abscess on your own. Draining dental abscesses is not as easy as it may seem. It is best left for a professional to do and you could hurt yourself. Source(s): Dentist

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is tooth removal always necessary for gum abscess?
Q: I went to the dentist today and was told I have an abcess in my gum next to a tooth and that it has to be removed. What I want to know is whether this is necessary as there is no pain and isnt it only necessary when the abscess has infected the tooth root itself? I have been given a 7 day course of anti biotics.
A: You can also do a root canal
What happens when pus from a gum abscess is swallowed?
Q: I had an pus filled abscess yesterday morning when i woke up and then at about dinner time it drained itself without me even realising so obviously i swallowed it and didn’t even notice.Can swallowing this pus make me ill?
A: no worries, they drain naturally all the time
Can a gum abscess go away on its own?
Q: I was wondering if they can go away on their own. I had one recently but took penicillin for 3 days and it went away. However the tooth remains loose. So what should be my next steps?
A: As a dentist I can assure you that unless the tooth that caused the abscess is treated the infection will keep returning and each time it redevelops the abscess is usually worse. Antibiotics will kill the infection that is already present, but the tooth will keep causing an infection unless it is either extracted or root canal treatment is performed. Good luck and I hope you get treatment on that tooth soon, an abscess can cause a lot of unnecessary pain!!
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