What affects do heroine have on the body

Health related question in topics Heroin .We found some answers as below for this question “What affects do heroine have on the body”,you can compare them.

A:Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, and liver or kidney disease. MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-affects-do-heroine-have-on-the-body ]
More Answers to “What affects do heroine have on the body
What affects do heroine have on the body
Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, and liver or kidney disease. MORE
How does heroin affect the body?
Heroin affects the body in many negative ways. First and foremost, it is highly addictive and the addiction is an actual physical addiction. Heroin is probably the most illegal of the illegal drugs. You can find more information here: http:…
How does heroin affect the human body?
Video: Effects Of Heroin expert Michael Jourdan (Drug Researcher) gives expert advice on: How does heroin affect the human body?

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If pot is legalized what then would happen to other drugs?
Q: If pot is legalized, wouldn’t that event encourage drug users to switch to much harder substances like: cocaine, heroine, meth and etc. Does that mean that we are going to have legalize these other drugs as well as time passes? Isn’t it a bit hypocritical on our part to accept marijuana as a harmless drug, while excluding others as strictly NO NO’s? Yes, it’s proven that marijuana has no or very little negative effect on human body, but it affects our brain just like any others. For example, a person who gets high at his friend’s house, and the house unluckily for him has an open balcony and a ladder, and he falls of. The Cause of Death: marijuana. So by legalizing marijuana, we have to take not only quality responsibility for the product, but also a moral responsibility. It will be a “who’s to blame” situation. Just like with tobacco companies. It’s much more worse than Over-dosing on cocaine and heroine. In this case your whole body is smashed into a naked ground or hopefully a car. And if pot is not addictive, than why do we want it so badly in our neighborhood stores???
A: Medical and scientific studies have shown that marijuana is not a gateway drug and probably has fewer ill effects than alcohol on the brain.I do not smoke the stuff, but I work in a busy ER and invariably, the people who show up in dire straits as a result of automobile accidents, boating mishaps, college hi-jinks,etc., have been drunk or injured by someone who was drunk. In my decades in nursing, I don’t think I have ever treated a patient in the same condition who was under the influence of marijuana or injured by someone who was under the influence of marijuana.The real boogieman is booze and we tried to make that illegal back in the 30s. The effort didn’t last very long. The real reason why pot hasn’t been decriminalized is because the feds haven’t figured out a way to limit its production and tax its sales.Interestingly, in countries where marijuana has been decriminalized, usage actually has gone down and in Portugal, where all drugs have been decriminalized, usage and usage related problems have decreased dramatically.http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=portugal-drug-decriminalization
what if weed were made legal?
Q: If marijuana was made legal in the U.S. like it has been in Amsterdam what would happen to those who have been convicted and served time in prisons as a result of possession of marijuana. How did Amsterdam handle this problem?Also i was wanting some opinions on the legalization of marijuana. Personally I think it should be legal. Not because i wanna sit around and smoke it or anything but simply because there isn’t a legitimate reason as to why its illegal. For example the gateway theory is a myth, drug usage for marijuana and harder drugs such as meth, heroine, and cocaine have been studied and it has been proven that the fluxuation of harder drug usage has been independent of the rise and fall of the usage of marijuana. Also, the argument of impairment is invalid. Although marijuana is slightly impairing it is nowhere near that of alcohol. Texting on a cell phone has been proven to cause more car accidents than marijuana impairment.I’ve also heard the argument of addiction. Its been proven unlike tobacco products which are perfectly legal marijuana does not provoke physical addictions. Although it is psychologically addictive and yes many people have wasted their lives away on the drug this is no reason for it to be illegal. People waste their lives becoming addicted to many things such as gambling, pornography, and ALCOHOL but none of these things are illegal. Just because something has the potential to be abused that doesn’t mean it should be illegal.The health factor is also not legitimate. Marijuana isn’t bad for you. Granted, inhalation of any smoke into the lungs is going to have negative affects but not anywhere near that of tobacco. Long term habitual everyday weed smokers have been studied and found to not display any lung damage not present in those who don’t regularly smoke weed. If anyone has seen the documentary Super Size Me there is a similar documentary called Super High Me in which a man smoked weed for 30 days. The only adverse affect was a 3% decrease in lung capacity. Seeing as how lung capacity flucuates over time according to how physically active someone is it can be argued that there were zero adverse affects. Health speaking eating too many Big Mac’s from McDonald’s is worse for your body than smoking a couple joints a day. But you don’t see the government regulating Big Mac sales.I’ve done my research after having this discussion with a friend and I strongly believe its an invasion of privacy for the government to dictate what we can and cannot put into our bodies. The governments job is to protect society and keep its people safe. By keeping marijuana illegal the government is promoting drug violence and keeping power in the hands of drug dealers. So, I was just wanting someone who feels marijuana should remain illegal to explain to me why they feel this way. Also please no negative responses I’m not looking to bash anyone’s beliefs but only to see this argument from the point of view of someone on the other side.jxt299 I like your answer you make a very strong point. But, at the same time i think its a bit of an exaggeration. Every ounce of crime doesn’t stem from marijuana if it were made legal there would still be plenty of crim for judges to judge and lawyers would still be needed. At the same time tons of jobs would be generated, people needed to grow and harvest and transport the marijuana. People to sell it in dispensaries, people to build the buildings that will later become dispensaries. It would end a decent amount of jobs but I believe it would create even more.
A: If weed were made legal then the gangs would lose one source of income. Personally I think all drugs should be legal but with strong warnings and education. I hate the fact that little moron gang punks are driving expensive cars because politicians are so stupid. Without drug sales all the gangs would have to work in McDonalds where they belong.
Why Should weed be illegal?
Q: If marijuana was made legal in the U.S. like it has been in Amsterdam what would happen to those who have been convicted and served time in prisons as a result of possession of marijuana. How did Amsterdam handle this problem?Also i was wanting some opinions on the legalization of marijuana. Personally I think it should be legal. Not because i wanna sit around and smoke it or anything but simply because there isn’t a legitimate reason as to why its illegal. For example the gateway theory is a myth, drug usage for marijuana and harder drugs such as meth, heroine, and cocaine have been studied and it has been proven that the fluxuation of harder drug usage has been independent of the rise and fall of the usage of marijuana. Also, the argument of impairment is invalid. Although marijuana is slightly impairing it is nowhere near that of alcohol. Texting on a cell phone has been proven to cause more car accidents than marijuana impairment.I’ve also heard the argument of addiction. Its been proven unlike tobacco products which are perfectly legal marijuana does not provoke physical addictions. Although it is psychologically addictive and yes many people have wasted their lives away on the drug this is no reason for it to be illegal. People waste their lives becoming addicted to many things such as gambling, pornography, and ALCOHOL but none of these things are illegal. Just because something has the potential to be abused that doesn’t mean it should be illegal.The health factor is also not legitimate. Marijuana isn’t bad for you. Granted, inhalation of any smoke into the lungs is going to have negative affects but not anywhere near that of tobacco. Long term habitual everyday weed smokers have been studied and found to not display any lung damage not present in those who don’t regularly smoke weed. If anyone has seen the documentary Super Size Me there is a similar documentary called Super High Me in which a man smoked weed for 30 days. The only adverse affect was a 3% decrease in lung capacity. Seeing as how lung capacity flucuates over time according to how physically active someone is it can be argued that there were zero adverse affects. Health speaking eating too many Big Mac’s from McDonald’s is worse for your body than smoking a couple joints a day. But you don’t see the government regulating Big Mac sales.I’ve done my research after having this discussion with a friend and I strongly believe its an invasion of privacy for the government to dictate what we can and cannot put into our bodies. The governments job is to protect society and keep its people safe. By keeping marijuana illegal the government is promoting drug violence and keeping power in the hands of drug dealers. So, I was just wanting someone who feels marijuana should remain illegal to explain to me why they feel this way. Also please no negative responses I’m not looking to bash anyone’s beliefs but only to see this argument from the point of view of someone on the other side.
A: I 150% agree with you in all of the points youve made and I advocate for recreational purposes. I cant tell you why it should be illegal but I can probably tell you why it is.I just think its illegal for a number of reasons:Poor organizations vs strong organizations: Although there a couple of good organizations trying to reform marijuana laws..the people on the “keep it illegal side” are supported by almost all of congress and even the president doesnt like the idea for recreational he accepts medial reasons.Its been illegal: Alot of people think because weed has been illegal for a while that its a hardcore drug like meth wich couldnt be farther from the truth. If poeple opened their minds and look at the FACTS they would probably change their mind that very second.DEA: The DEA has been making millions through their corrupt practices of supplying weed to dealers..have them sell it..get some of the profit..then arrest them. The DEA has a noticeable amount of power when it comes to these kind of things.Tax: The government won’t do anything unless it gets them a couple of more bucks in their pocket and with dealers almost everywhere the government thinks thats its too late for them to make a profit.Children: Parents dont want their kids in a place where weed is legal. This is where hypocrites really piss me off. Most of these parents are Christians or Catholic and when you have an adult smoking weed is the worst thing in the world but when you have children drinking wine in the name of a false god its perfectally fine. Like you pointed out alcohol is more harmful than weed.False Info: This kinda goes hand and hand with why its been illegal. No one wants to learn they just want say no. Growing up I thought weed was very bad to you..much more than alcohol. I had on open mind and sat down with my neighbor who has been using it for medical puposes and he explained why its not as bad as they say it is.I think if everyone sat with my neighbor everyone would want to have it legalized.Drug War funding: Government has this war on drugs thats been a complete failure but still gets alot of funding. I want everyone to open their eyes and realize the government has been brainwashing us to stay on their side. The governments job is to protect us..not run our lives.
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