What affect does heroine have on the human body

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A:Chronic heroin users develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, and liver or kidney disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-affect-does-heroine-have-on-the-human-body ]
More Answers to “What affect does heroine have on the human body
What affect does heroine have on the human body
Chronic heroin users develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, and liver or kidney disease.
How does heroin affect the human body?
Video: Effects Of Heroin expert Michael Jourdan (Drug Researcher) gives expert advice on: How does heroin affect the human body?
What does heroin do to the human body?
Heroin deteriorates the body. It also weakens the enamel which holds your teeth together. Heroin is deadly if you overdose and not worth the experimentation if you want more out of life than a “fix”.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If pot is legalized what then would happen to other drugs?
Q: If pot is legalized, wouldn’t that event encourage drug users to switch to much harder substances like: cocaine, heroine, meth and etc. Does that mean that we are going to have legalize these other drugs as well as time passes? Isn’t it a bit hypocritical on our part to accept marijuana as a harmless drug, while excluding others as strictly NO NO’s? Yes, it’s proven that marijuana has no or very little negative effect on human body, but it affects our brain just like any others. For example, a person who gets high at his friend’s house, and the house unluckily for him has an open balcony and a ladder, and he falls of. The Cause of Death: marijuana. So by legalizing marijuana, we have to take not only quality responsibility for the product, but also a moral responsibility. It will be a “who’s to blame” situation. Just like with tobacco companies. It’s much more worse than Over-dosing on cocaine and heroine. In this case your whole body is smashed into a naked ground or hopefully a car. And if pot is not addictive, than why do we want it so badly in our neighborhood stores???
A: Medical and scientific studies have shown that marijuana is not a gateway drug and probably has fewer ill effects than alcohol on the brain.I do not smoke the stuff, but I work in a busy ER and invariably, the people who show up in dire straits as a result of automobile accidents, boating mishaps, college hi-jinks,etc., have been drunk or injured by someone who was drunk. In my decades in nursing, I don’t think I have ever treated a patient in the same condition who was under the influence of marijuana or injured by someone who was under the influence of marijuana.The real boogieman is booze and we tried to make that illegal back in the 30s. The effort didn’t last very long. The real reason why pot hasn’t been decriminalized is because the feds haven’t figured out a way to limit its production and tax its sales.Interestingly, in countries where marijuana has been decriminalized, usage actually has gone down and in Portugal, where all drugs have been decriminalized, usage and usage related problems have decreased dramatically.http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=portugal-drug-decriminalization
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