Was Jessica Alba blind in the movie The Eye

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In the movie The Eye (2008) Jessica Alba plays Sydney who has corrective surgery to fix her blindness. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/was-jessica-alba-blind-in-the-movie-the-eye ]
More Answers to “Was Jessica Alba blind in the movie The Eye
Was Jessica Alba blind in the movie The Eye
In the movie The Eye (2008) Jessica Alba plays Sydney who has corrective surgery to fix her blindness. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: In the movie THE EYE, is Jessica Alba blind at the very end or does she keep here wierd vision and see dead people?
A: There is a catch see if you can watch it again, I wouldnt want to ruin the movie for yah.
Does anyone know the final symphony/classical song played by Jessica Alba in the final scene of “The Eye”?
Q: It is when she wore the yellow dress after she became blind again. It is such a beautiful classical song. I was wondering if anyone knew it. If anyone has the movie, im sure its at the end credits.Well I didn’t ruin a thing, if someone hasn’t seen the movie I’d hope they’d be smart enough to not click on my question because there would obviously be talk about the movie itself. Also please don’t comment my question with stupid things like “i dont know” if you dont know don’t answer. Thank you very much.
A: I had the same problem, i loved the song, it was so beautiful. So I researched the soundtrack and marco beltrami composed the song i guess and i found a link where you can download the soundtrack if you register to this site, it’s really easy to register too.http://bestmusic.lt/mp3/soundtracks/541-ost-the-eye-soundtrack-2008.htmland the song is called “The Concert” it’s the last song. 🙂
How would you describe something to a person who was born blind?
Q: I always wondered how you would describedsomething to a person who was born blind. How would you describe colors, numbers and shapes to them ?i feel like being born blind is a tough aspect to live with because your mind will be filled with curiousity and confusion all the time.Also do you think it is possible to bring the eyesight back just like in the movie “The Eye”… you know the one where Jessica Alba plays in.please and thank you
A: One thing you can try is to describe things in terms of the senses of smell or taste. What color does “yellow” or “blue” taste like? Sure, it’s a very arbitrary and highly personal procedure, but it can provide some common ground for reference. I suppose the other senses could be used too (what does the sun sound like, or how does the night feel), but somehow smell or taste seem more visual to me.
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