How should you treat an abscess

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “How should you treat an abscess”,you can compare them.

A:Doctor needs to cut and clean the abscess area. Cleaning the pus might reduce the chance of infection. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How should you treat an abscess
The vet told us w/our cat to sterilize a needle (safety pin will work.. hold it under a flame for a few sec. and then wipe w/alchol) make sure you are at a sink, poke the abscess, squeeze out the “stuff” then wash it w/warm salt w…
You can treat small abscess by simply apply warm compressors onto various areas that are being compressed. However, do not try and do it yourself as it could cause you a little problem. Sometimes you could face damages like trauma around yo…
Treatment varies, but often requires antibiotics.

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How long to heal hoof abscess?
Q: My 8 year old Saddlebred developed an abscess which was detected and drained by the farrier almost 3 weeks ago. I have been caring for him as instructed: soaking in epsom salts and cleaning out with iodine. He went for a 2 or days with a dressing, but he is very hot headed and needs to be turned out so he has been out in a dry lot with a bare foot since then (also as instructed). It has been three weeks of soaking and applying iodine almost every day. He was mostly sound after two weeks, but when lunging him I notice he is still a tad gimpy at the trot. He does not appear to be a in much pain at all, but you can notice a slight unevenness in his gait and a small head bob here and there. I am worried about him, I am wondering if this is normal?? I thought it would have all cleared up by now. I am still treating him but no more pus is draining out. I am a broke college student…I really can’t afford for the vet to tell me it will be fine if I just wait it out. But at the same time I really don’t want to cause any more problems by waiting. What do you think? What is the normal amount of time you should expect an abscess to heal in?Thanks in advance for any help!! I really do appreciate it!Thanks for all your help!!I will continue soaking…I also found a syringe that I used to get some gel iodine deeper in the hole today. When the farrier was working on his hoof, he said he was getting pretty far into it to where he might be more comfortable having a vet do it. About that time he found it and the pus was released. Anyway, this is why I thought the vet might be the next person to call. I am going to try treating him for awhile longer.The pus was released through a small hole on the bottom of his foot, near the toe.Thanks again, all!!
A: That’s a long time to me. My abscesses healed within a couple of weeks…where they didn’t bother the horse at all.Are you certain that nothing has gotten inside the hole? Abscesses make a ‘honeycomb’ like hole. So it has alot of dips and cups inside the hole where the infection was. I use a flushing syringe to shoot water or medication far into the hole of the abscess.Another thought could be that the horse has another pocket of infection that was missed. It happens. Because iodine will ‘kill’ any infection it comes in contact with, I would think that I had another pocket that the iodine can’t reach.It could be that he has slow growing feet…so the sole hasn’t thickened enough to have a good cushion when the horse is being lunged.Honestly…I prefer farriers for abscess problems…not vets. A farrier is a specialist for the hoof. I really do prefer them for hoof treatments and if I need antibiotics…then I talk to the vet.Really though…I think 3 weeks is too long for horse to still be lame from an abscess that has been opened and drained and medicated.**edit…sorry, reread question…you are using a farrier. I would still ask and talk to him about what is going on.
Now I’m confused… Treatment of abscess question?
Q: So my vet was out yesterday morning because my mare was lame overnight and found she had an abscess. He cut it out and drained it, medicated it and wrapped it with a big piece of gauze and vet wrap and duct tape. He told me to keep the bandage on for 7-10 days. My mare has abscessed once before from a nail puncture and he treated it the same way and she did fine. However, now I’m confused as another user on here said that this is a very old-school treatment and not good for the horse at all, and that I should be changing the bandage every day to prevent infection. Anyhow, have you ever heard of an abscess being treated this way before? If this is not a good treatment, what do I do now? It was pretty deep, I can’t imagine taking the bandage off and expecting her to walk on it…. Obviously I’m not going to without consulting my vet again, but what is your opinion on this? How have you seen abscesses treated before?
A: If you keep the bandage on and the mare is confined for 7-10 days in a DRY and CLEAN area (clean of manure and urine)….then it is fine to leave the bandage on that the vet put on.If the mare is in an area where she may get the bandage torn and dirty, then it’ll have to be (should be) changed daily or as needed.It really doesn’t make a difference (if the bandage is not torn or otherwise allowing filth to enter)….IF the mare is in a clean area for that amount of time 7-10 days.Some people will change the bandage (not allow the horse to walk barefoot at all) every day, regardless of what the vet says, others will keep the same bandage on all the time and just care to keep the area clean.It’s personal preference (if the area is clean).Just keep the area where she is…..clean. AND if the bandage comes off or is otherwise torn, change it. Have a DIAPER handy with vet wrap and duct tape handy…..(diapers are cheap and make AWESOME bandages!!!! Because they help to DRAW out the absess! And keep filth away from the wound).
Can more infections come after Abscess tooth is treated with anti-biotics?
Q: My Boyfriend went to the ER about a week ago for an abscess tooth. His face was completely swollen on one side. After seeing him, the doctor gave him some anti-biotics and pain killers. A week later the swelling had gone down but for the past two nights he has been vomiting on and off. Then last night, when we were going to be, he said it felt like his heart was beating really fast, so fast that it was uncomfortable to lay down. I have asked friends and they are saying possibly blood poising, I would like to know what everyone else thinks and what should we do or how serious you make think it is – reminder – he does not have health insurance
A: lilkel-Whether your boyfriend (bf) has health or dental insurance, he needs to see a dentist or a physician as soon as he can. In many areas, there are free health clinics for those without insurance or money to pay. Contact your county health clinic. In the mouth there are normally many bacteria and some fungi which can cause major problems if they invade the gums or a tooth abscess. When antibiotics are given to kill some bacteria, other bacteria or fungi (like Actinomyces) not killed by the antibiotic then tend to start growing a lot and can cause infections of the jaw which can spread elsewhere. That is why your bf needs to see a health care specialist as soon as possible.
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