How long does it take to recover for hernia surgery

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Recovery after surgery is dependent on the location of the hernia, the type of hernia, the repair technique and your health…MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take to recover for hernia surgery
How long does it take to recover from a hernia surgery??
I had hernia surgery when I was about 12 years old and I was released that day after recovery.I had to be on liquid diet/soft foods the day of surgery. I couldn’t walk without pain for about 3-5 days (as far as I remember). You may want to …
How long does it take to fully recover from umbilical hernia surg…?
From the experience i had from getting an Inguinal Hernia, recovery depends on many factors. Fully recover also means different things to different people. I was up on my feet walking about fine after a week or so, but depending on how intr…
How long will it take me to recover from hernia repair surgery??
Recovery time will depend on the location and type of hernia and on the nature of your surgery. Following a laparoscopy, it is likely you can return home the same day and the total recovery time is usually one to two weeks. Following an ope…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to recover from a hernia surgery?
Q: I have to get surgery to have my hernia fixed. I’ve had it for about 2 years now. How long will I be out of work after I have the sergury and will I have to stay overnight at the hospital?
A: I had hernia surgery when I was about 12 years old and I was released that day after recovery.I had to be on liquid diet/soft foods the day of surgery. I couldn’t walk without pain for about 3-5 days (as far as I remember). You may want to just take the week off. Then I was fine. No complications. It is rather routine surgery. Good Luck, everything will be fine.
How long should recovery take for hernia surgery?
Q: My husband had hernia surgery last week. It was done laproscipily. They had to repair the old one because the mesh shrunk. He is very sore and having trouble getting around. It was only suppose to take 7-10 days to recover. He don’t see his surgeon for another week. Is it taking longer because they had to redo the old one? Thanks.
A: 6 weeks,,and he shouldn’t pick up anything for that time..or he could injure it.
I have some questions about hernia surgery?
Q: I had a laparoscopy surgery about 3 weeks ago for endometriosis. at that time, the surgeon realized that i had a herniated naval. well this past weekend i was hospitalized because of some intense pain i was having around my belly button. they told me that when i had the laparoscopy, that it messed with the hernia i have and now they want to do surgery.has anyone ever had this kind of surgery?? what does it involve, how long did it take to recover? what was the surgery like??
A: You had LAPAROSCOPIC surgery and one of the incisions is made in the belly button. If you had an umbilical hernia at the time, they probably wanted to wait to repair it until you recovered from the most recent surgery. Now that you are having pain, they will fix it. Usually they make a small incision in the area and place a piece of mesh to keep the area from herniating again and then place stitches internally with staples on the outside. It will take four to six week to recover from that surgery as it does from any other surgery.
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