How long do you have to wait to smoke after getting a tooth pulled

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Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long do you have to wait to smoke after getting a tooth pulled
Dental care professionals recommend a minimum of 48 hours, although some suggest not smoking for up to 2 weeks when your gums are fully healed. Smoking, as well as drinking from a straw, can cause dry sockets which are very painful and have…
24hours even then you can get what is called a dry socket which i believe is very pain full so tell your friend to avoid smoking for a week or so just to give the gum time to heal
Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your surgery. The sucking motion can loosen the clot and delay healing. ChaCha!

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how long do you have to wait to smoke after getting a tooth pulled?
Q: just wondering…..ohhh i dont smoke its my friend!! i noticed she was smoking 2 days later
A: 24hours even then you can get what is called a dry socket which i believe is very pain full so tell your friend to avoid smoking for a week or so just to give the gum time to heal
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Q: my dentist a list of what i cant do but he didnt tell me how long to wait… none of them were removed surgically because they were all partially showing… i just got them done this morning and the blood has already clotted. and it doesnt hurt but that might just be from the pain killers… i would rather know from personal experience than what the doctor said if you can please…. thank u very much
A: To be honest, I was still a smoker when I had mine removed- and I was smoking as soon as I could feel my face again and I didn’t have any problems, but that doesn’t mean it was a GOOD IDEA! My doc said to wait 3 days, and I’d guess I waited about a day- but mine were surgically removed so I was out cold for a full day- I don’t even remember coming home! I just woke up there! LOL…To be sure, you should really listen to your doc, but since you probably won’t (I was a smoker, and I didn’t either!) just be careful, and smoke as little as possible! As far as eating, I started with jello type stuff, and just worked my way up from there. Just make sure you keep the “holes” very clean from food particles, etc. I don’t usually use straws anyway, so that wasn’t an issue for me. Take care of your healing process though, or you will regret it! Good Luck!
how long does hole in jaw take to heal after i pulled my tooth out?
Q: I had a half broken tooth and i bit down on something hard and it broke the 1 of the last 2 roots holding my tooth in and was very loose. I ended up doing something stupid and just taking dental floss tied it around the tooth and i yanked it out hard. Almost all the root (and half the other 1) came with the pull.My tooth no longer hurts at all there is just a hole where that root was. is that dry socket? or will dry socket form there now? there was a hole there before on 1 side (half was broken and was just a hollow hole i could feel with my tounge)now there is a huge hole where my tooth is. I have been rinsing with water and salt every 5min or so for the last 45min.will this hole fill up or will i get dry socket? need to wait until Monday to see dentist at least(Friday now). i do smoke also and heard you shouldnt smoke or you might pull out the blood clot. if i am careful not to take big drags can i still smoke? the last thing i want is the pain to come back even worse
A: Just take it easy…the hole that you are seeing ( at the place where that root was) is NOT a dry socket and I dont see any reason that you will develop dry socket . Just take it easy, dear, nothing will happen. The hole will completely fill up ( if the root has been removed in toto) in a week. It is nature’s way of taking care of such wounds. No need to rinse every 5 minutes….it wont help you ….rather just rinse with warm saline gargles just 3-4 times a day…that is good enough. And if the “experiment ” has been performed by you only todlay…so, then postpone the warm saline rinses till tomorrow. Yes, you can safely wait till Monday to see your dentist. ……he would determine if there is any remnant left of the root, it would be taken out…without any problem, whatsoever. Yes, it is not at all advisable to smoke after dental extraction…..( even otherwise, smoking is…….., yes, you know all !!) ….OK..Ok…..dont worry about now the blood clot getting pulled out because of those smoking “puffs”…….nothing wiil happen. ( But smoking is very very …!)No doctor in this universe can permit anybody to smoke…you get my point ?No, there would not be pain worsening……..just relax and take some pain-killer, if needed. And take some cold stuff—-milk shake, ice-cream , fruit-juice etc right now ..Good luck and cheer up !!Note ….In future, never indulge in such experiments…these may prove hazardous at times……so, take care !
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