How do you recover fastest from a torn acl

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Surgery is unfortunately the only option to repair it. In a nutshell, doctors will usually take a one third of your patella MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you recover fastest from a torn acl
How do you recover fastest from a torn acl
Surgery is unfortunately the only option to repair it. In a nutshell, doctors will usually take a one third of your patella MORE?
How long did it take you to recover from a torn acl??
Andrea, I am afraid I would expect to be out of sports 16 weeks. at 8 weeks after surgery typically your muscles have gotten much bigger but the ACL graft is at its weakest and most vulnerable time. So it is very easy to re-injure and have …
How to recover from an ACL tear
For all of you sports junkies out there, we all know that there is nothing worse than hearing those three Letters, A.C.L. For most athletes it’s the equivalent of a death sentence. It’s not the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Torn ACL as a gymnasts have you ever torn your ACL and how long were you kept away from sports/ work or stuff?
Q: I tore my ACL doing my dismount off bars at a gymnastics competition on April 1st (just my luck) it was the first event and also my ast (I did pull off a third place on bars though) I had the surgery on 6/6/07 and my therapist say sthat progress is coming along a lot faster than expected but she says its good so does that mean that I will be back to gymnastics sonner than 6-8 months. I was also talking to someone who knew someone who was back to sports after 3 months so if you have ever had this before I was just curious how long it took to recover and how long you were out of your sport and how you did if you have any info about torn ACL’s and the recovering time I would LOVE to know thanks so much! If you are a gymnasts and have done this how long were you out for and how ard was it to go back and get back into things? Any information at all (websites stories anything would be greatly appreciated) Thank you SO much! Would being a gymnast be a reason why I am healing faster???
A: I am not a gymnast nor have I torn my ACL but I treat gymnasts and young athletes with ACL injuries all the time and you should never go back to athletics before 6 months after ACL reconstructive surgery. Focus on 6 months as the earliest to be back. You will be about 80-90% within a year and 100% within 2 yrs. You are probably doing very well right now because you had strong quad (front of tight) muscles from gymnsatics, but you tore your ACL because you have weak hip and butt muscles (most all torn ACL’s of adolescent females are b/c of this). I hope your therapist is working on your hip and butt muscles to help prevent this from happening again in the future. Good luck and feel free to message me if you have questions.
ACL surgery recovery time for very athletic person?
Q: ACL surgery recover time for someone highly active?I realize that everyone is different and it depends on the severity of ACL injury to estimate the recovery time. But I wanted to see if anyone has ever been in this situation.My fiance tore his ACL around 3 years ago. And even re injured it a couples of times. But that has not stopped him and even with it damaged he has always been highly active.Even with a torn ACL he runs, weight trains, rock climbs, does different types of martial arts, etc, and basically involves himself in very intense activities. Every now and then he does wears a brace when it starts bothering him or giving him problems. Tomorrow he’s getting ACL surgery and I was thinking that maybe his recovery time will be quite fast due to it not stopping him from being highly active. I was wondering if anyone has even had a torn an ACL while still capable of being highly active and then received surgery? How long was it until you were capable of normally walking again and going back your your intense physical activities? Oh and how long was your surgery?Thank you!
A: 6 monthsI was the same way as your fiance.I was walking normal pretty quick, i was not allowed to be active in anytihng that involved twisting for 6 months.
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