How do people pay for plastic surgery

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people pay for plastic surgery”,you can compare them.

Many people for plastic surgery by putting it on credit cards, bank loans, saving up and financing through the surgeon’s office. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people pay for plastic surgery
・ 1 Check with your health insurer. Some procedures, like breast reduction and repair of physical deformities… ・ 2 Talk to your doctor about ways to make your procedure coverable under your insurance plan. Many times… ・ 3 Try to save th…
Plastic surgery is undoubtedly expensive, and no doctor can estimate the costs beforehand if post-surgery complications develop, particularly if you need to be admitted to a regular hospital. These are some important questions to ask your p…
When first looking at cosmetic surgery procedures many people are initially shocked by the high cost of the operation. A typical plastic surgeon will change anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars for a single p…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how do people pay for Plastic surgery?
Q: Besides being rich how do people pay for it? Monthly payments? Can everyone get monthly payments??????????
A: I paid for mine with Care Credit, it’s basically a credit card that can be used for medical or vet bills. The doctors office actually offers it. I soon transferred my balance to my visa because the interest was so high on the Care Credit card. Most places offer some time of card to put it on, like a credit card.
People on Plastic Surgery Shows?
Q: How do people pay for their plastic surgery? Do people that appear on the TV’s get pro bono work? Does insurance pay for it?
A: Usually there is an being on the show the fees are waived. Insurance will pay for only a few proceedures such as correcting a deviated sept. or an eye lift if medically needed.
The show Big Medicine, does the show pay for people to get the gastric bypass surgery for appearing on theshow
Q: I know on the show Big Medicine they say they’re waiting on the peoples insurance to accept the surgery but I was thinking that may just be for tv to be more realistic and not be bombarded with millions of people calling the show to get the surgery for free. I’m wondering if the show actually pays for the surgery for your participation on the show and airing your story. Just like how people say they don’t have money on reality shows and are struggling but you know they get a check every week from the show and from all the reruns which sometimes come on multiple times everyday. So I know some shows do this but to make it more realistic they don’t mention they extra money. and what about those plastic surgery shows like Dr. 90210, I mean where do those people get the money to pay for those procedures, does the show do the surgery for free as their payment for appearing on the show?
A: I think you`re right. All of the people on shows like Jon & Kate and Little People Big World get paid very well. I`m sure it`s the same on Big Medicine.
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