Do you have to get surgery if you have a pinched nerve

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If it is severe enough, yes, surgery is an option for a pinched nerve. However most people recover from it normally within a few days to a few weeks. Thanks for using ChaCha! Unlimited Q’s @ 800-2-ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you have to get surgery if you have a pinched nerve
Do you have to get surgery if you have a pinched nerve
If it is severe enough, yes, surgery is an option for a pinched nerve. However most people recover from it normally within a few days to a few weeks. Thanks for using ChaCha! Unlimited Q’s @ 800-2-ChaCha
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This procedure is known as an ulnar nerve decompression The ulnar nerve is a nerve supplies sensation and strength to partof the hand and forearm. when it become compressed or trapped between bones of the elbow. remedy this situation a proc…
How to Determine if Surgery is Necessary for a Pinched Nerve?
・ 1 Rest the affected area and avoid any activities that might exacerbate the pain. ・ 2 Take the appropriate dosage of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or naproxen… ・ 3 Consult your physician if your pain persists …

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Q: My mom recently had to get a surgery for her pinched nerve in her right arm, they had to open up and move it. BUT they said her hand should be feeling fine in about 5 weeks, but its been about a month and a half and she still has bad pain, enough to make her cry… and her two finger to the right are numb. She says she cant even lift them and it feels like fire crackers in her hand… she saw a doctor where they did some test where they shocked her nerve or something and the nurse lady person didnt look to “ok” with the results. she said “I can’t tell you that…” and I dont know what might be wrong. Did the surgery FAIL!! I’m only 15… and my mom is still only 43 and I dont want her to have all this pain. ***Now** is there anyone who has suffered from this and had a failed surgery or just some advice on what could have happened and if it is just a coincidence… I dont want them to have to amputate her hand.. she works at a desk job (computer) and without her hand she would have quit?
A: this just happened to my best friend she got surgury on her ankle for her pinched nerve.. but the scar tissue built up again and she has to get another surgury tomorrow. she will not get her arm amputated unless it is hurting her body in a serious way. If its just pain, then she can take special pain killers. Whether or not she would quit is entirely up to God.
Pinched nerve in foot. Do I need podiatrist or neurologist?
Q: My normal doctor referred me to a podiatrist, who diagnosed me with a pinched nerve in my foot. He is going to try a cortisone shot first, and then said it may need surgery to deaden the nerve, which he said he can do.But when looking up the actual definition of a “podiatrist” online, I guess they aren’t “full” medical doctors (M.D.), just lots of training, I’m guessing like an Optometrist compared to an Opthamologist.This sounds a bit scary, and since he will be doing actual surgery on my nerve, would it be better to see a Neurologist (or ?) instead? I like the Podiatrist and he seems competent, but in my mind, a full “M.D.” such as a neurologist would have more training and expertise.Does anyone know or have experience with this? What would you recommend. I have an HMO, so it’s not the easiest to get a referral but I should be able to if I think it’s warranted.
A: Although podiatrists are, indeed, medically trained in a speciality (e.g., disorders of the foot/ankle, etc), were I in your position, I would get myself (and my foot) to a neurosurgeon/neurologist pronto.
i have a pinched sciatic nerve?
Q: Okay, i went to the doctor and got diagnosed with a pinched sciatic nerve in the back of my upper thigh. the pain is terrible and everyone that i’ve talked to has said that back surgery is the only option to remove the pain. i have heard of muscle therapy but i’m afraid that it wouldn’t work, but i don’t want surgery to be my only option… is there anyone out there that has had this problem and fixed it without using a scalpel? and if yes, what did you do?
A: i had the exact same problem, it hurt to sit, stand or even move, but i got some cortisone injections, and it helps the problem soo much!!
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