Yes, Your Skin Allergy Could Be Caused by Your Medication

Yes, you can be allergic to almost anything. This means that you can be allergic to the medication you are taking. This also means that your skin allergy can be caused by your medication. What can this skin allergy cause?

Skin allergies can cause a number of reactions. You can suffer itchiness. You may notice an area of your body that has become red. You may notice inflamed bumps. You may even get hives..

What Kind Of Drugs Can Cause Skin Allergies?

Any type of drug can cause a skin allergy. However, there are some drugs that are more apt to cause an allergy than others. Penicillin is one of these drugs. Some others that are very popular when it comes to causing allergic reactions, including skin allergies, are: Antibiotics, sulfa, barbiturates, anticonvulsants, and iodine.

How Is A Skin Allergy To Drugs Diagnosed?

First, your doctor will look at your history. He will then go over your symptoms. He may then do a skin test. However, not all skin tests will prove if an allergic reaction has occurred. For this reason, he may just make an assumption that an allergy is present due to your symptoms.

Treatment of Skin Allergies

The basic goal of treating a skin allergy is to relieve the symptoms. For instance, if you are suffering from hives, the goal will be to reduce the hives and the itching. This means that the doctor may prescribe another medication to combat the symptoms. He may also more prescribed another medication to take the place of the medication that caused the allergy, if it is warranted. If it is not necessary for you to take a replacement medication at this time, he may just tell you to quit taking any medication, except for what is prescribed for treatment of the allergies.

Preparing Yourself For The Future

You should make sure to make a note in your medical history of this skin allergy. You should also make sure that your pharmacist, as well as family members is aware of this allergy. If this allergy was more serious than just a skin allergy, you may also want to begin wearing a medical bracelet to let others know of this allergy.

Remember allergies can be dangerous. Some allergies can even be life threatening. Don’t take them for granted.


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