Why Rick Perry Would Be a Dangerous President

Rick Perry is not the first Texas Governor to run for President of the United States. George W. Bush was Governor of Texas before he ran for President, and won.

The Republican Party has shown that unless their candidates go to the extreme right, they will not have a shot at becoming the Republican Candidate for the 2012 election. This is why Rick Perry is number one with the Republican Party.

With Rick Perry jumping to the head of the Republican Presidential hopeful pack, the spotlight has been put on him. With that spotlight comes a lot of attention, and it’s not always good.

In this article, I will be investigating Rick Perry, his actions, morals and values, demonstrating how dangerous he could become should he be elected President of the united States.

As the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry has an impressive record, or so it seems, yet his state of Texas is 25th in unemployment, at just over 8%, and number one in jobs paying the minimum wage.

As Governor of Texas, he has made cuts from public education, making Texas one of the worst education systems in the country. Texas has the lowest rate of adults with a high school diploma, ranking 49th in verbal SAT scores and 46th in Math SAT scores.

Despite being a “Christian”, over the last decade as Governor of Texas, Perry has overseen more executions than any governor in modern history, totaling 234 to date. Perry’s death record is more than the next two states, Oklahoma and Virginia, combined.

Perry said that any regulation to the banking industry is unconstitutional, forgetting to mention that deregulation was the leading cause of the economic collapse in 2008.

It is well known that Perry was part of a projected plot to take life insurance policies out on elderly retired teachers, promising to give kick backs to Wall Street investors.

In May of 2011, Perry continued his Anti-Choice stance on abortion, with the only exceptions involving rape or incest. He wants to cut Planned Parenthood funds, regardless of the fact that it is one of the top organizations that many middle class and low-income earners rely on for medical help.

These are the things Rick Perry has done, now lets take a look at things we can expect from Perry should he be elected President:

Perry intends to eliminate Social Security, disregarding the fact that the majority of our countries seniors rely solely on the program and don’t want anyone in the private sector putting their hands on it, much less profiting from it.

He denies scientific facts relating to Evolution, and will make sure “Creationism” is being taught to children.

Perry has already called for an amendment to the Constitution to ban abortion and same-sex marriage, so you can expect him to abolish both of these should he be elected into Office.

As you can see, Rick Perry is a dangerous man as Governor of Texas; so can you imagine him President of the United States?

Even if you are Republican, you must question some of Rick Perry’s decisions and choices, not to mention his morals, values and ideals.

Before you vote for him, do the responsible thing and read up on him, maybe investigate him as I did. Or just follow me, since I am sure reasons will come up for me to write about him again, probably on my Conspiracy Watch blog.

All I ask, is please don’t vote for anyone just because they belong to your party of choice. Vote for the candidate who represents your beliefs.

Written by: Tom Retterbush

Tom Retterbush writes for several blogs across the Web. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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