Why Adults Should Read Young Adult Novels

Many adults may find the idea of reading a young adult novel to be strange. They may think that they are too old to be able to relate with the material of the book. Depending on the book, this may or may not be true. The young adult novel market has grown huge within the past ten years. Not only are there plenty of books for teens these days, but there are plenty of well-crafted, solid-written stories out there as well. Here are the top reasons why an adult should pick up a young adult book to read sometimes, too.

1. A Young Adult Novel Can Bring Fresh Perspective
Reading a book about a young person can bring a fresh insight into your own life, no matter what age you are. Think about the process that the author had to go through in order to write the novel. An author must completely develop a character from scratch. Most of the time young adult authors are adults who have been in the adult world for quite some time. By getting in touch with a younger perspective, you may find yourself coming to terms with some old issues that have repeatedly come up in your own life. It doesn’t hurt to be reminded as to how you got to the point you are at, every now and then.

2. Young Adult Novels Come in Every Genre Imaginable
Despite the media’s attempt to convince us, the “Twilight Series” is not the only teenage series out there. While the Harry Potter series is much better, it is also not the only young adult series that exists, either. There are genres for every taste; adventure, romance, science-fiction, you name it. Search your library website, or visit the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) website for the top young adult’s books for the year: http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/yalsa/booklistsawards/bestficya/bfya2011.cfm.

3. While the Books May be Aimed for Young People, the Content can be Very “Adult”
You may be shocked to see just how “adult” many of the books of the young adult genre are. This has lead to book banning at many schools, as some professionals feel that young people should be shielded from anything too provocative. Many of the young adult books out there deal with very real themes of first time love, sex, the use of drugs, abuse, and much more. The raw way in which the author deals with these themes can make the story that much better.

4. Many Times, These Books can be Easier to Read Through
If you are looking for a lighter, easier read, then a young adult book may be the best option for you. Depending on the genre and type of book you pick, you may find yourself with something quirky and fun, such as the “Mediator” Series by Meg Cabot. Of course this isn’t true for all young adult novels, as many of them can be just as complex and thick as adult novels. Search the aisles for something that interests you, or ask the librarian for advice. You will be pleasantly surprised; there is a young adult book out there that every adult can enjoy.

5. Reading Young Adult Novels Can Help you Relate with Teens
Whether you are a parent to a teenager, or perhaps work with them for a living, reading a young adult book can help you remember what it is like to be an adolescent. Many young adult novels contain implications as to what life is like for the modern teenager. By re-learning the ways in which young people interact with one another, you may find yourself better able to relate with the young people in your life.

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