Who Will Sarah Palin Endorse?

The most sought-after endorsement of this political cycle will be from a woman who holds no political office and is not currently seeking one. That is why each of the Republican candidates have done the equivalent of kissing Sarah Palin’s ring.

RealClearPolitics believes that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has the inside track for getting the Palin endorsement. Of course, reports about what Palin will or will not do is largely conjecture, even if it is sourced from people said to be within the Palin inner circle. Only Palin will know who she intends to endorse and when. Any definitive statement that does not cite her personally as a source should be taken with a grain of salt.

The criteria Palin will use to determine who to endorse will be who will be best for the country, in her judgment, and only secondarily who will be best for her own political fortunes. Palin has some definite ideas about how the United States should be governed, particularly in the suppression of honest graft in the congress and crony capitalism. Whomever is best suited to advance her agenda will get her endorsement.

Not one of the current candidates are perfectly suited for Palin’s likely criteria. Romney is too squishy. Perry has been accused of practicing crony capitalism as governor of Texas. Herman Cain, while likely appealing to Palin, has stumbled since the sexual harassment allegations. Gingrich himself has been in politics for decades and the Freddie Mac deal might be cause for pause. Ron Paul, for a variety of reasons, is right out.

Palin’s endorsement would take a struggling campaign and take it to the top tier. It would take a surging campaign and send it over the top. It could be the difference between getting to accept the nomination at next year’s convention or just being third from the right on the stage during the unity demonstration.

Palin has to be careful whom she chooses. Her brand is very potent and needs not to be sullied by making a wrong choice. A repeat of the Christine O’Donnell fiasco must not be repeated. Look, therefore, for Palin to wait for the last possible moment before giving her blessing to the lucky candidate.

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