Webcam Safety Tips for New Computer Users

For the new computer users, first let me say; Welcome to Cyberspace! With that said, let me explain the dangers that come with the use of a webcam and how to protect yourself from falling victim to webcam scams. If you are new to cyberspace, continue reading this guide for safety tips for the webcam.

The Dangers Of Webcams

Let’s first begin with explaining the dangers of a webcam. I’m sure you have probably heard of hackers, even if you are new to the cyber world. You often see things in the news about hackers. However, if you haven’t, hackers are people who hack into your computer to steal your identity, email, put viruses on your machine, put spyware on your machine and more. Basically they are out to do damage in some shape or form.

With the webcams, hackers can hack into your computer and watch what you are doing through the webcam. Yes, it may sound impossible, but I can tell you first-hand that it happens. I once read a story about a man on the computer and someone sending him a message and telling him he needed to go to bed because his girl was waiting on him and his wife was behind him in the bed sleeping. So with webcams come real dangers. Now that I have explained the dangers, let me explain how to protect yourself.

Protecting Yourself from Webcam Dangers

There are many kinds of webcams available today. Let’s take a look at the different webcams before going any further so you can relate to the webcam that you have. Most laptops these days have built-in webcams at the top of your screen. Some do not, but most new ones do. Then you have the ones that you mount on top of a desktop monitor and plug in. There are also some wireless ones that can be used for desktop computers or laptops. So, if you have a computer, you will definitely have one of those three if you are reading this guide.

Laptop Webcam Safety

Let’s start with the laptop webcam safety first. While sitting on your laptop, it can easily be hacked and you won’t even know it. So, to protect yourself, you will need to keep the webcam covered up at all times. The best way to cover it up is by using a band-aid. Yes, I know this sounds crazy, but it is the quickest, safest and easiest way to do it. If you put a band-aid on the webcam, you will not mess the actual glass up because of the padded part of the band-aid. But make sure the padded part is over the actual glass. You can put a sticker or something similar or the webcam, but you run the risk of getting sticky stuff on the lens and it is difficult to clean that tiny lens. So go with a band-aid if you have one. Also, using one of those round band-aids works great for the webcams.

Desktop Webcam Safety

For the desktop webcams, the best thing to do is unplug them when you are not using them. However, if you have one of those webcams you have to reinstall every time after you unplug it, it is best to not unplug it. Instead, throw something over the webcam like a wash cloths, towel or even a sock. Just something that will cover the webcam. Make sure whatever you throw over it is dark enough that you cannot see through it.

By using the tips in this guide, you should be just fine and safe from people hacking into webcams. Though they are dangerous when it comes to hackers, you can stop them in their tracks and enjoy your new webcam.

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