Top Public Domain Ebooks with Illustrations

Public domain ebooks are available on the Internet and can be added to almost any reading device. All public domain books are void of copyright. What does this mean? They are no longer protected of copyrights, which make them free to the public. In other words, they are free to those who find them and download them. Some example are three listed below that seem to be very popular, and have be downloaded thousands of times on the internet archive.

1. The bird book : illustrating in natural colors more than seven hundred North American birds, also several hundred photographs of their nests and eggs

This is an amazing book that has been scanned and added the public domain archive (where public domain books are scanned and place on the internet). I displays different types of birds and has AMAZING illustrations. If you are interested in animals, such as birds, or are a bird watcher you can download this book for free at the public domain archive.

2. Old French Fairy Tales
This book contains 5 French fairytales that come with illustrations that are full in color and beautiful. If you want to read some stories to your children this is a great book, and best of all it’s free to download.

3. Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology
A manual like this great for students who are taking biology and bacteriology. If this book is required for a college course don’t spend a lot of money when you can get a copy for free online. The American Society has made it for Microbiology, which gives it some great credit for sure.

All of these books can be downloaded for free, and can be read on almost any device, even your computer. It’s amazing that millions and millions of books are in the public domain, yet people are still paying for them. Why? When you can get them for free….

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