There’s Nothing to Regret at End of Day

Time flies on swift wings whatever we say,
We cannot keep children forever small;
There’s nothing to regret at end of day.

So cherish them and play the games they play,
Soon they will be grown up, one and all;
Time flies on swift wings whatever we say.

So soon, my love, we will be old and gray,
As our younger years behind us soon fall;
There’s nothing to regret at end of day.

And years march on and on, that’s Time’s way,
Youth’s bright beauty fades with winter’s pall;
Time flies on swift wings whatever we say.

There we’ll be, catching summer sun’s last ray,
Even when others laugh and curse our gall;
There’s nothing to regret at end of day.

So, grow older with me, my love, today,
And to each passing year give our all;
Time flies on swift wings whatever we say.
There’s nothing to regret at end of day.

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