The War on Apathy

We have been led into a vicious cycle of apathy and we’ve welcomed it with arms wide open. We’ve embraced little distractions along the way to keep us feeling warm and fuzzy, safe and protected against our foes. “We the people” have been desensitized to violence, death, destruction and overall inhuman behavior. I ask you this, Why? From time to time the people of an oppressed society must stand up. This is not a generic message, not endorsing chaos or anarchy, not a blanket statement or a sweeping generalization.

The United States was the role model of the international community for decades and we truly stood for great values, morals and ethical conduct. Something has happened in our glorious nation, something awful. The people we elect aren’t doing their jobs, they take 20 weeks off a year, blatantly and publicly waste the money we’re required to give to them and they repeatedly with arbitrary power limit our rights as human beings, not just as US citizens. We’re told from a young age that we are to comply with laws and respect authority, but where is the line drawn? The answer is anywhere.

Congress has arbitrarily designated themselves as overseers of the American people, but wait! I thought it was the other way around? The knife cuts deeper than this, it goes as far to say that rational thought and public descent is not only frowned upon, it is illegal. Freedom of speech has turned into a feel good phrase, rather than what our forefathers fought and many died for. We often over simplify our problems, some things are just not ‘fun’ to talk about and therefore not necessary. What on Earth has happened to the mentality of people?

Apathy is a war being waged upon us, it is an enemy with no face and no name but rather than fighting it to the death we choose to embrace because it is the ‘safe’ choice. We’ve begun fearing our leaders and the people in charge of “order” instead of flexing our intellectual muscles. “We the people” has turned into “We the consumers”, numbers on a spreadsheet as opposed to rebels on main street. Individuals in charge of our safety have turned a blind eye to the people. This is like a call center not answering calls, a grocery store not selling groceries or a news paper not printing papers.

We are not the problem, we are the solution. We are not assets or resources, we are human beings who demand a standard of living that does not include skipping meals and being homeless. Darwinian Capitalism promotes a system of greed, the requirement to step on the spines of others to get ahead in this world. Dehumanization is not right but it has become a requirement to be at all successful in this country. We tend to only get angry when things instantaneously affect our wallets, do we really want to wait until it is too late?

I say this unto you all, please stand up for your fellow people, they are not your enemies but rather your friends. There are many good people out there, and we are truly products of our environment and will act like oppressed people and develop Stockholm syndrome when we are perpetually restricted, too busy to think let alone work on fixing this country. Let us change our mentality from victims with no options to exceptional and motivated people who won’t stand for fear induced apathy any longer.

Be there for your brothers and sisters, so much good can come of this. Until next time..

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