Steps You Can Take to Prevent the Spread of Lice

Lice infestation is notoriously a condition associated with school children. They are common sufferers of the condition because they are likely to come in contact with one another during play, share hats, and so on. The fact is, however, anyone can get lice, and while they do not discriminate by class, hygienic habits, age, or any other factor, there are steps you can take to protect your family against these little parasites.

When Your Child Should Not Share

Tell your children about lice. Explain to them how easily the spread and never to share hats, combs, helmets, scarves, pillows, sleeping bags, and so on. Lice jump from infected heads to these items and will gladly jump then to your child’s head and set up camp. It is important to make your child understand that lice do not single out children with poor hygiene. There are no “safe” friends with whom they should share these items.

Being Neat Helps

Teach your children to hang up their coats and hats in their own individual spaces or lockers, rather than throwing them on a general pile. This applies to everyone. If you are helping out in the classroom, it is tempting to toss your own coat across a table or over some other piles of outerwear. Remember that you are not immune to lice by virtue of the fact that you are an adult.

Keep Belongings Clean

After a friend has been over to your house, or your child has been to a friend’s house, take the time to clean items like pillows, headphones, combs and brushes, and other things they may have shared. This will stop a potential lice infestation before it has time to start. Use rubbing alcohol or bleach when possible.

Know Your Enemy

Once a family member is infected, it is really too late to read up and try to learn about what you are dealing with. It is helpful to know what a lice infestation looks like and feels like. Learn the details of what to look for before it happens. Then if someone in your household is infected with lice, you will recognize the early warning signs and be able to stop a wide spread problem.

Be Proactive

Schools are required to send home a note if a case of head lice occurs. If you receive a notice, or even if rumors have spread, be sure to check your child and anyone who may have come in contact daily for the presence of lice, so when necessary you can take steps early to stop the spread of the parasite with lice treatments.


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