Sample a Mediterranean Diet for a Healthy Brain

Ever feel like eating right has become increasingly challenging? Certain foods help with weight loss; others can reduce your risk of dementia…and you also want food that tastes great. One possible solution to all those goals: the Mediterranean diet. Researchers have discovered that this type of diet can help to lower damage to the brain’s small blood vessels. The result: a healthier brain.

In addition, by counting calories and keeping the total within what your doctor recommends, you can lose or maintain your weight. How’s that for a win-win? There’s just one key question: what do you eat?

The American Heart Association offers these tips for following the food plan:

Eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables. The advantage if you want to lose weight: you can fill up for fewer calories.
Love carbs? You can also enjoy whole grains, potatoes, and beans. Olive oil is a key monounsaturated fat source on this diet – but don’t overdo it! Just 1 tablespoon sprinkled over a large salad can suffice, for example. Protein power, yes. Red meat – not so much. Eat low to moderate amounts of fish, poultry and dairy, and limit eggs to 0 to 4 times a week. A loaf of bread and a jug of wine? Make it a small wine glass, not a jug!

Discover how to cook up a delicious meal with this sample:
Vegetables: Fill a pot with fresh broccoli, mushrooms and green beans, and steam until tender. Sprinkle with garlic wine vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a dash of garlic powder.
Carbs: Bake two large sweet potatoes: 1/2 equals 1 serving. Top with a spoonful of Greek yogurt rather than butter or sour cream.
Protein: Broil a chicken breast. Remove the skin before you broil your chicken. Sprinkle with herbs. Drink: Serve a small glass of red wine. Dessert: Make an elegant dish with melon balls piled high and topped with fresh blueberries.

For more ideas, try the Mediterranean Diet cookbook for Dummies.

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