Republican State Senator Calling for Muslims to Be Kicked Out of the Military

If there is one thing you can count on, it is that Christian fundamentalists (which make up a sizable percentage of the Republican party) hate Muslims. Maybe more so than they hate atheists or gays or immigrants or Wiccans or feminists or union leaders. Now, I’m no great defender of Islam. Islamic radicals are a real problem in the world. But the average Muslim here in the U.S. is by no means a radical. But, Christian fundamentalists believe they should be stripped of their rights. They oppose the building of mosques in Tennessee (along with other states), oppose an Islamic Center in NYC and have even advocated that Muslims be stripped of the right to practice their religion.

A Tennessee state senator, Rick Womack is even advocating that all Muslims in the military be kicked out . He said:

Personally, I don’t trust one Muslim in our military because they’re commanded to lie to us through the term called Taqiyya. And if they truly are a devout Muslim, and follow the Quran and the Sunnah, then I feel threatened because they’re commanded to kill me.”

But the thing is, if Christians followed literally what the bible says, they would have to kill gays, non-believers, disobedient children, wiccans etc. But, Christians aren’t like that, even fundamentalists.Nobody, thankfully, follows the bible literally. The most raging fundamentalist Christian would be a liberal compared to Christians of 800 years ago. Why, because the Enligtenment, changed Christianity and Christians. It watered down its’ worst excesses. Muslims are also aren’t going to kill us in our street. They share the same basic American values as everyone else.

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