New EV and RV Batteries on the Horizon

The battery works with a slurry of solid particles suspended in a liquid electrolyte. The charging and discharging actions of the battery take place in different structures (think of chambers), rather than in the same structure as current batteries. This allows a better battery design overall.

The size of the batteries, as current tests indicate so far, will be roughly less than half the size of current EV (deep cycle) batteries. The current batteries can weigh over a hundred pounds or more apiece. Now, that’s an improvement.

The batteries could provide over ten times the energy efficiency of current batteries. That means for EV owners, more miles on each charge. For RV owners, running the fuel-driven generators less, and for solar system owners, not having to turn on the grid as much. All lead to saving money on energy costs.

The cost will be below the current cost of lithium-ion batteries. Currently, the lithium-ion batteries are the most expensive and out of the reach of most regular consumers. Industrial complexes use them in forklifts and other vehicles.

This would make EV’s manufacturing costs and sales prices competitive with gasoline and hybrid cars. With widespread distribution, an EV could make a cross-country trip without worry. Billions of dollars would not have to be spent building recharge stations at all.

Lower costs will allow EV and RV owners to change out batteries easier and at a lower cost. For those on limited budgets, this will be a welcome respite from rising costs.

EV and RV owners won’t be the only ones enjoying the reduced costs of the new batteries. If changing out a depleted battery for a charged one is an option, those with solar assist home systems and total solar home systems will reap the financial benefits as well.

The environment will benefit from this revolution. Fewer batteries will be sent to the landfill, as batteries will be sent for refilling/recharging.

So when can consumers expect to see these new batteries on the market? A three-year research grant was issued to research company 24M in 2010. Researches expect to have a fully functioning prototype system ready for production to replace existing EV batteries.

They’re just coming over the horizon.

Source: Bob Difley, “New Battery Design Could be Game Changer for Electric Vehicles,” website, 30 August 2011

Source: Staff Article, “New Battery Design Could Give Electric Vehicles a Jolt,” 6 June 2011

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