Most Offensive Horror Movie Ever

If you enjoyed “The Blair Witch” movie, then you might enjoy “8213: Gacy House”. For that matter, if you like watching shows such as “Ghost Hunters”, this may also be a good film for you. If you don’t care for this style of filming, or if you believing in Paganism, this is a movie to skip.

Suggested to be actual film footage from the property where serial killer John Wayne Gacy once lived, this movie boasts of no writer, but is alleged ghost hunting footage found with the bodies of the individuals participating. Further research finds current information on several of the performers. The lack of a script is likely what makes the viewer able to temporarily set aside their concept of reality, and enjoy the natural performances of these actors.

Filmed in the first person, the fear doesn’t seem quite as fake as the belief systems they seem to make fun of. Unfortunately, the “medium” is entirely laughable and even offensive, and the range of characters are obvious parodies of the horror genre, both in film and modern television. Although director Anthony Fankhauser has used clever skills, his presentation reminds me of a Scooby Doo all grown up, as rules are set and ignored, and stereotypes exploited, including gratuitous sex.

As disturbing as the religious disrespect is, even more disturbing is the continuation of Gacy’s marketability. Apparently a child-killer selling painting of clowns while in prison is not enough, but then Jack the Ripper has held audiences enthralled for generations.

Thankful that I did not pay to view this movie, I do not recommend it for any viewing audience, though I would enjoy seeing the performers do other work.

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