Losing Weight After Pregnancy

There are lots of adjustments to make after having a baby whether it is your first born or fifth born. It is a busy time with feedings, changing diapers and just the addition of a new member to your family. The extra weight is also an adjustment and a stressful addition to the already new life.

Give yourself at least two weeks not to worry about your expanded waistline and jump on the scale. Take time to rest when you have time. Don’t even think about working out for at least a month. However, short walks and gentle stretching may be in order to keep your spirits up.

Think healthy food. That could be a tall order as when you are tired you are often tempted to reach for sugary treats for energy. Actually sugar only raises your energy for a short time and there is often a big fall. Fill your house with healthy food, which is good for the entire family. Try not to buy chips, cookies and prepared meals. The prepared meals are tempting due to your busy schedule. The temptation of fast food is another hurdle. It is so easy to have pizza delivered or make a quick stop at a fast food place. Protein is the best energy source. When you are hungry have a piece of cheese or turkey. Make a salad with lots of olive oil that will fill you up. You could lose weight on just eating healthy, without worrying about calories.

After about two weeks, when you are adjusting somewhat to your new schedule, start concentrating on the number of calories you are eating. If you are nursing you will need a healthy diet rich in protein, fats and healthy carbohydrates. Eat when you are hungry, stop before you get full and remember to think about what you are eating. The healthier your food selections the better you will feel.

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