Limitations and Regulations

At a very young age we are all taught certain things by our parents or peers. How to crawl, walk, speak, eat, etc. As we start going to school we meet other kids and are introduced to how they are raised, their habits, and differences in their personalities. As we get into middle school kids start to classify groups, cultures, and differences between those social groups or cultures. When I was in middle school, through high school, I sat back and observed how most kids acted to different scenarios they would come across, and how they would react to them. By doing this day in and day out, I started to learn what not to do and how not to act, vice being told what to do and what not to do; we are all told those things growing up.
Now that I am in my 30’s, I watch my children go through the exact same things as we went through at those ages. I learned I had great analytical skills at a very young age when it came to processing information I was given, or events I saw happen, good or bad. Now days, I notice more kids sitting around waiting to be told to do something, or not reacting to things at all. I am hoping this is not a sign of things to come for our society.
We have limitations and regulations for everything we do, no matter how old we are. Through my own experiences I have learned that when we think like everyone else; we come up with the same conclusions, same theories, same solutions, and a lot of the same answers. I also learned that when I thought creatively, I could come up with more options, more solutions, and more possibilities for any and everything I would face in life. It is like having a set of standards, or directions to complete a task. If we work our way from the finished product back to nothing we find other, sometimes easier ways, to complete the same task. In some aspects, we have people in high positions of authority thinking the same way, coming up with a lot of the same solutions for the same issues. In my experiences, I have often seen that when there are more options, you not only come up with more possibilities, most of the time you get more solutions for one task.
Through this article I hope to spark more creative thinking in everyone, because I see no limitations, or regulations with where our society can go. Our president promised change, good or bad, and that is what we got. It is time for us as a society to start changing the way we think in some instances, and if we do this, there are no limits to what we can achieve personally or collectively. Together lets stop putting restrictions on how we use our brains.

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