Kick a Cold Before it Starts

One day you wake up and you notice yourself sniffling a bit more than usual. You may think its just a typical little allergy but after some time you notice its something more than that – the common cold.

What should you immediately do to reduce and, possibly, avoid the severity? Here are some tips:

Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. One extra apple or orange a day may not cut it, but eating a plate full of colorful fruits and vegetables will. Doing this will provide you with a plentiful amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Increasing your intake of beta-carotene rich foods, such as carrots, apricots, and broccoli help to maintain the mucus linings of the nose and lungs, which are the body’s first defense against germs. Drink more water and fluids. Water, juice, clear broth, or warm lemon water with honey will help break up congestion and prevent dehydration. You should avoid all caffeinated beverages, as this will have the opposite effect. Salt water and saline sprays. Gargling some salt water can help sooth a sore throat. Using a saline nasal spray or a neti pot can also help break up any congestion. They are also safer than using a decongestant because they have no side effects. Eat/drink chicken soup. This old remedy has been used for generations and it still proves to have benefits. Chicken soup can be soothing because it is anti-inflammatory and mucus-thinning. Increase humidity. Germs thrive in a dry environment, so by running a humidifier in your house or, especially, in your bedroom can help reduce germs. Eat garlic. Studies have shown that those who eat more garlic have fewer colds. Garlic is anti-bacterial and, possibly, anti-viral. Some studies have suggested 10 cloves a day will produce results, though other studies suggest that just 2-3 cloves paired with fruits and vegetables will do the trick.

Note: Studies have proven that an increase in zinc intake can reduce the duration of a cold. However, the research has determined that some people do develop nausea as a side effect. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also warns that these products may reduce your sense of smell – and possibly for good.


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