In a World Where Everything Changes…Learn To Adapt

Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t want to change!” or, “Stop trying to change me!”

I usually laugh quietly to myself when I hear people say things like that. Don’t they know that the very nature of the entire universe is CHANGE? The only thing we can say with absolute certainty is that “Things will change and no one can do anything to stop this from happening.” It’s built right into the very fabric of all that exists.

Ok, so why do I get so deep with tis, you might say. It’s because I think people need to start accepting the fact that things will change and learn to adapt the way they think to this fact. We know we can not stop change, but maybe we can manipulate the frequency or degree of change that happens. Maybe we can guide the changes to be of benefit instead of a hindrance.

When we apply the facts of change in assessment of ourselves, we find some things that I think are very interesting and insightful.

I now know that everyday I change. My body changes and so does my thinking. Our bodies are in a constant state of breaking down and rebuilding. Everything in the universe is breaking down and deteriorating and our bodies are no exception. Some how, our bodies have found a ‘magical’ loophole to continue existing for a while. Our bodies are continually renewing and reconstructing in an attempt to hold of the changes that will ultimately happen. New materials are brought in and used to replace the old, broken down, used up and deteriorated materials to keep our bodies functioning and alive.

The better the materials put into the body the better it functions and the longer it lasts. The Mind works the same way.

The better the information put into the mind, the better it works and the longer it lasts. A very interesting point to be made is that the link between the body and the mind is very strong. When one is not doing well the other can not do very well either. When the body is unhealthy, the mind is affected and will ultimately become unhealthy; when the mind is unhealthy the body will follow. Keeping both the body and mind healthy is key to a fulfilled life, rewarding experiences and prolonging the inevitable changes.

Since the mind controls the body, it is wise to begin with the development of the mind to a healthy state so the body will follow. This means that the mind needs the correct information to keep itself healthy as well as how to keep the body healthy.

Keeping a fit mental state of mind is not as hard as one might think. Thinking, which the mind does in words and Images, is what the mind needs to do to stay fit. Feeding the mind with information from books and various other mediums is a great way to get the brain or mind continuously thinking. We are not going to overload the brain with information just like we would not gorge the body with to much food. There needs to be a healthy frequency with which the mind obtains and digests its ‘Food’ which is information. The type of information you feed the mind determines its health, much like the types of food you feed your body determines the same.

It is important to remember that our minds, like our bodies and everything else in existence, are deteriorating. This means we are forgetting, or slowly losing, the information we are absorbing. The healthier the brain, the slower the loss of information we put in and thus the frequency of change is manipulated to benefit us. We can not stop the change but like we said before, there are loopholes.

So how do we know we are feeding our minds the correct information for a healthy state of mind?

Understanding what information we should be letting into our minds takes a little more than just having common sense. It’s more than -Don’t put in this and only take in that- With wisdom, we can understand the information’s purpose and the impact it could have on our minds, bodies and lives. With negativity being the prominent theme in our world especially for those sitting in front of a television during most of their free time, this isn’t healthy. Watching to much TV or watching to much News distorts reality for people. All the worlds Negativity, pain, suffering and Tragedy is funneled into our living rooms to be soaked up by us viewers who believe the world is a terrible place and they become cynical insensitive people. With such negative outlooks on life, how can a person stay positive enough to be happy and accomplish their purpose in life? More often than not, they won’t. Most people who have a negative view will not be in the frame of mind to step up to the challenge of life and overcome obstacles to become great. Of course this is the Rule and there is always an exception.

So wisdom tells us to stay focused on who we are at the core and understand the information we are taking in and how it will affect our core beliefs. It isn’t wise to block out all information that is contrary to what you currently believe because there would never be a way for you to find that you were wrong if you were. Understanding the contradicting information should do one of two things: Cause you to change your beliefs because you find you must have held beliefs that were incorrect or lead you to believe even stronger that you are correct given the contradiction information was incorrect.

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